Chapter 128 Let Me Sleep

When we returned to the valley, it was already sunset.

Dongfang Zi's eyes were red and her mood was extremely bad.

No matter what his status is, she has no future with him.Forget it, don't think about it, anyway, breaking up is doomed, and their breakup is doomed to be unhappy.

Shen Xie and Lu Cong looked at each other, discussing secretly through sound transmission.

--How to do?His Majesty obviously didn't believe it.

Lu Cong sighed apprehensively, and said via voice transmission: Every step counts.Earlier you said that His Majesty Lan prevented the little princess from being too close to the descendant of the demon catcher, you must be referring to this mortal man.

Shen Xie nodded.

Lu Cong smiled wryly again and again, and transmitted the voice: The world is ethereal and vast, the sky is big and the earth is big.If the two were not really destined, how could they meet, meet and fall in love in the vast crowd.You see, today is the first time His Majesty has gone to a place where mortals gather, and even mortals can come to find them - it can be seen that the two are really destined.

Shen Xi almost cried.

--so what should I do now?His Majesty Lan was very opposed to His Majesty's contact with that mortal, and strongly urged them not to meet again.

Lu Cong shook his head helplessly, voice transmission: I said it all, every step counts.Your Majesty is usually in the valley, and the mortals don't know her true identity yet, so they probably won't be able to find her for the time being.

After thinking about it for a while, Shen Xi decided to send a voice transmission to His Majesty Lan later. No matter where he is, today's matter is not trivial, and he should report it carefully.

One person, one deer and one ginseng fell into the deep forest, and Lu Cong was still pulling the cart.

Dongfang Zi was slightly stunned, and couldn't help asking: "Lu Lu, did you pay for these earlier?"

"...No." Lu Cong explained: "Isn't it all free there? I see that everyone is free to move things into the car, and no one needs to pay money or take a mobile phone."

Dongfang Zi: "..."

Well, he doesn't know what a supermarket is yet, and he won.

As a result, they earned a large cart of food for nothing.

Dongfang Zi stuffed several bags of popcorn and potato chips to Shen Xie, and said, "Give it to everyone to try."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Shen Xie said with a smile.

Dongfang Zi pointed to the remaining grilled chicken and fat house water, and ordered: "Lu Lu, send the rest to Senior Zhu."

Lu Cong should be respectful.

Dongfang Zi waved her hand and said listlessly: "I'll go to the tree hole and have a good sleep. Don't wake me up if there's nothing serious."

"His Majesty……"

"do not talk."

"His Majesty……"

"Don't ask."

"No! Your Majesty, I want to cast a spell to send you up, otherwise you won't be able to go up."

Dongfang Zi: "..."

After going up to the tree hole, Dongfang Zi collapsed on the bed of agarwood, not bothering to move.

I thought I would fall asleep soon, and fell asleep, but my head was blurry and dull, and I couldn't fall asleep.

"Alas..." Dongfang Zi sighed.

I don't know if he is still looking for himself at the supermarket... Stop!Don't think about it!

I don't know if he will come here, should she expect it in her heart, or dare not think about it?
At this time, an excited chirping sound came from the corner!

"Your Majesty! You're finally back! Great! Lili misses you so much! I miss you every day to come back earlier!"

Dongfang Zi looked away weakly, feeling dizzy and painful, "Liuli, I'll arrange a small task for you."

"Your Majesty, please do as you please!"

"Whatever method you use, put me to sleep. Please!"

Lili said "Oh?", turned around and flew out with a "咻——".

After a while, she flew back and handed Dongfang Zi a small orange heart-shaped fruit, "Your Majesty, you will fall asleep after eating it."

Dongfang Zi got up feeling uncomfortable, took it and swallowed it, and soon closed his eyes, unconscious.

(End of this chapter)

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