Chapter 129
After nightfall, the valley fell into a dark silence.

Except for one wooden house which was still lit, everything else was dark.

Zhu Xuechang couldn't help wondering: "Brother Lu, it's weird! The valley has been powered on for several days, why don't you guys turn on the lights at night?"

Lu Cong smiled slightly and explained: "Everyone is used to going to bed when night falls, working at sunrise and resting at sunset. Even if there is a light, it is not easy to sleep with the light on."

"That's right." Senior Zhu enthusiastically poured him a glass of Coke and said, "Come on, let's have a drink!"

"No." Lu Congjiao frowned slightly, and explained: "I'm not very used to the taste of this drink."

Senior Zhu clicked his tongue a few times, full of emotion.

"If I could be as self-disciplined as you, I probably wouldn't have to be so fat."

He didn't meet the other villagers very often, so he didn't know what they ate and drank.But he saw Lu Cong eating, just a few small wild fruits and a glass of water, and then said he was full.

If he could too—forget it!

Senior Zhu munched on the grilled chicken, his fat trotters pointed to the small supermarket trolley outside.

"Why did you pick up other people's trolleys when you went to the supermarket?"

Lu Cong asked puzzledly, "Brother Zhu, what does 'lu' mean? How do you explain it?"

"It was stolen by stealing the sheep." Senior Zhu replied.

Lu Cong was extremely embarrassed, he hesitated: "I... don't know very well, I will send it back later."

Zhu Xuechang stared at his food but didn't hear clearly, "Oh! So it was borrowed! It's fine if the security guard agrees! Anyway, this thing is not needed in the valley, it's all the muddy land in the mountains and forests, and it can't be pushed at all."

Lu Cong found an excuse, hurriedly pulled the trolley away, flew out of the valley in a hurry, and galloped towards the downtown supermarket in Southwest City.

His speed was fast, it didn't take much time, and he arrived at the gate of the supermarket soon.

He avoided the crowd and went stealthily to the place where he took the trolley. After returning to the original place, he quietly dodged to a place where there were few people.

Suddenly, he stopped flying.

I saw a handsome and slender man walking out from the side surrounded by several people. It was the mortal from earlier - His Majesty's first love!

His complexion was not very good, and he ordered in a deep voice: "Hurry up and find a place where the video can be restored, and restore it clearly as soon as possible."

"Yes, boss."

Han Bo frowned and explained: "I remember being knocked away by someone... But there is only my blurred figure on the image, and I can't see the other party. Try to freeze the other party and see what's going on."

Lu Cong looked at the video tape in the man's hand, secretly anxious.

Someone asked suspiciously: "Boss, do you still want to continue searching? I have searched every corner of the mall, and there is no trace of your girlfriend at all."

Han Bo narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a low voice, "The shopping mall's surveillance has records of her coming in, but there is no picture of her leaving. She must be hiding in a corner here. It's still early, let's look for it a few more times."

"That...boss, before your girlfriend went to the supermarket with a handsome young man, should we check to see if there is any monitoring of him leaving. They came together, and if they want to leave, they should leave together."

Han Bo paused, and said, "Okay, then we will divide into two groups, half of them will follow me to find them, and the other half will help to check and monitor."

As soon as the words were spoken, the surroundings suddenly darkened, and the corner of the supermarket that was originally brightly lit was instantly so dark that you couldn't see your fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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