His Majesty the Demon King is an internet celebrity

Chapter 130 "Unexpected" Power Outage

Chapter 130 "Unexpected" Power Outage

There are a lot of people going to the supermarket at night to take advantage of the air-conditioning, and all the lights suddenly go out, followed by exclamations and screams!


"My God! What's the matter?"

"power cut!"

After about three seconds, the lights came on one after another.

People who are used to neon lights are still in shock, hugging or pulling, their faces pale and let out a long breath.

"What happened just now? Suddenly the power went out!"

"I don't know, maybe the wiring is bad."

Han Bo was very calm. As early as the moment it was dark just now, he stood calmly on the spot, slightly stretched his hands, and pushed away those who were stumbling in panic.

After the light was turned on, he quickly adapted to the brightness, and quickly looked at his subordinates.

Surprised - all six of them fell into a ball, crooked!
"Ouch! My old waist!"

"It hurts to death!"

"It's miserable ~ get up!"

Han Bo frowned slightly, a little dumbfounded.

The electricity just went off for three seconds, and the six big men panicked!

He strode forward with his long legs, stretched out his long arms, and pulled the two of them up.

His subordinate Zhang Yong smiled wryly: "Boss, I—I didn't know that bastard just hit me hard! Then I fell to the ground!"

Liu Qing supported his waist and bared his teeth: "I don't know what's going on! It seems that a super strong force hits me, and I can't stop it..."

A group of subordinates blamed each other, scolded and laughed, and helped them get up one after another.

Looking at their empty hands, Han Bo suddenly remembered something, and asked nervously, "Where is the video I got just now? Where is it?"

This is the surveillance video he managed to dig out from the surveillance room of the supermarket by asking someone to find a relationship.

It was recorded that he was tugging with Zizi, when suddenly a mass of white light rushed over and knocked them away, and then he fell to the ground, and Zizi couldn't see him.

The people in the monitoring room said that it was not light, it was obviously a person's figure, but he was running fast, wearing reflective or luminous things on his body, and the speed was extremely fast, so there was such a blur effect.

He insisted on seeing clearly whether it was the handsome tall and thin boy who went shopping with Zizi at first, but unfortunately no matter whether it was enlarged or shrunk, he couldn't see it clearly frame by frame.

In desperation, he had no choice but to ask the people in the monitoring room for the original video.

But when people open their doors to do business, such video recordings can be of great or small effect, so how can they give it to him at will.

Fortunately, the Han family has a large mining company nearby, and the small manager there, Lin Cong, is a local and has some good contacts. He borrowed Lin Cong's help, and it took more than half an hour to finally get the original video.

Zhang Yong was startled, and hurriedly looked left and right to search.

Liu Qing on the side said "Ah!", and then exclaimed: "Oh no!"

I saw that piece of video was broken on the ground, the old-fashioned video tape was rotten to pieces, as if it was instantly crushed by something extremely heavy.

Han Bo glanced at it, frowning tightly.

Zhang Yong whispered anxiously: "Boss...then what should we do now? If it becomes like this, it probably won't be able to be repaired."

Liu Qing thought for a while and asked, "I don't know if they have kept files in the monitoring room, should we go back and take a look?"

"Go and ask." Han Bo nodded.

Liu Qing hurried away.

After a while, he ran back to explain: "Boss! The circuit in the monitoring room was short-circuited just now, and many machines were broken! Now it's all a mess!"

Han Bo frowned irritably and had no choice but to give up.

Zhang Yongchi asked: "Boss, what shall we... do next?"

Han Bo thought for a while, looked inside and outside the mall, and said in a deep voice, "Don't stand still, and go find someone with me."

"Yes, boss!"

(End of this chapter)

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