His Majesty the Demon King is an internet celebrity

Chapter 137 The Beast Loves the Pig

Chapter 137 The Beast Loves the Pig

Dongfang Zihehe, hehe laughed.

"Well... the elk is sick today, so I took it to the back mountain to graze. No, I asked Lu Cong to replace it."

Zhu Feitian became anxious when he heard it, "The effect is definitely not good! Junior sister, you are a combination of beauty and beast, both of which are indispensable! Look at the comments and comments below, most likely it is for that cute big elk!"

Dongfang Zi looked around carefully, and found that most of them were Lu Cong's fans.

"Wow! They are all fans of Lulu!"

Zhu Feitian nodded in agreement: "Yes! In this era of online beauty, fat aunts in their 50s and 100s can be big beauties, just like you, Dongfang Zi. But such a tall and beautiful big elk is very rare. I saw it I love it all! [-]% true love!"

Dongfang Zi: "..."

Lu Cong's face was extremely red: "..."

Zhu Feitian poked Dongfang Zi with his chubby elbow, and said, "Look, a lot of people are rewarding you to sow deer quickly! Let's go, I will go to the back mountain with you, and I will help you take photos of deer with your mobile phone Don't worry, my fat hand is not steady."

"No!" Dongfang Zi and Lu Cong said in unison.

Zhu Feitian asked suspiciously: "What's the matter? Didn't you say that you are grazing on the back mountain? The two of you just stand on the grass, beautiful women and handsome men, you are both eye-catching and fans, maybe you will continue to be on the list tomorrow !"

"That..." Dongfang Zi patted her stomach and smiled wryly: "Senior, I haven't had lunch yet! I'll go to the live broadcast after lunch."

Zhu Feitian waved his hand, "Then hurry up! Go quickly!"

Dongfang Zi nodded, and took Lu Cong away.

After a while, Dongfang Zi, who ate two small ganoderma lucidum and a few wild fruits, came back with a beautiful and lovely big elk.

"Oh my god! It's so cute!" Zhu Feitian was so excited that he almost jumped up, but unfortunately he couldn't, so he rushed over, "Can I touch it? Can I?"

Dongfang Zi replied: "Yes! It is very good."

Zhu Feitian carefully touched the deer's back, seeing that Lu Cong was very docile and did not object, he immediately hugged him.

"Where did Brother Deer find such a beautiful deer to raise? I think the people in your village, Shimei, are too awesome, right? Other rural people also raise cattle, sheep, pigs and dogs. People in your village raise pangolins and Big elk!"

Dongfang Zi: "..."

Zhu Feitian pointed to the depths of the dense forest, "I saw a super big mushroom over there the day before yesterday - more than one meter high! At first I thought someone dropped the umbrella, and I was about to go there to get it. It’s gone! It’s a pity that the old man named Lao Shen said he planted it, so I’m not allowed to touch it.”

Dongfang Zisan said in a low voice: "We are in the deep mountains and old forests, and there are few people on the road. It is inevitable that things will be rare."

It seems that the senior really can't live anymore, otherwise when the flaws are revealed, he will not be able to explain clearly at that time.

Dongfang Zi thought for a while, and said: "Senior, I already have the money for the return ticket and air ticket, I will book it for you later—"

"No, don't order it first." Senior Zhu said happily, "I like this place so much, I don't plan to leave for the time being."

Dongfang Zi's eyes flickered slightly, and he made an excuse and said, "To be honest, that... the owner of the wooden house you live in is coming back."

"It's okay." Senior Zhu said with a smile, "I'll buy a small tent online later, and just put it next to your cabin."

Dongfang Zi frowned and shook her head: "There will be wild animals at night, it's not safe."

"Don't be afraid." Senior Zhu kissed the elk's back, "I'm born with an animal karma. When the beasts see me, I guarantee that they will fall in love with me immediately!"

Dongfang Zi: "..."

Lu Cong: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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