Chapter 138 Live again
Those who want money are afraid of those who are shameless, and those who are shameless are afraid of their lives.

Dongfang Zi looked at Zhu Feitian who "disregarded life and death", and couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

"Senior, the animals in the deep mountains and old forests are all very thick, are you sure you are really not afraid?"

Zhu Feitian shook his chubby round head, and said cheerfully: "Whether it's a wolf or a tiger, they all come to my arms! Junior sister, can the express delivery be received in the mining village outside? Send me the specific address, and I will immediately Go online and buy a big tent."

"That... we'll talk about it later." Dongfang Zi said, "Let's go to the other side of the valley to broadcast live first, so as not to make fans wait too long."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Zhu Feitian slapped Fat Rou's chest with pride, and said, "I'll take pictures for you, and the storage effect will be great!"

Soon, the two put on their selfie sticks and led Lu Cong into the dense forest.

Zhu Feitian's footsteps were slow, and the mountain road was rugged. He was out of breath after walking for less than 10 minutes, and soon fell behind.

Lu Cong whispered: "Your Majesty, the mining village outside is very chaotic right now, Brother Zhu may not be able to stay any longer."

Dongfang Zi smiled wryly: "I have chased him away several times, didn't you hear it just now?"

"Your Majesty, what should we do then?" Lu Cong lowered his voice, "Please take it easy for you and let you go for difficulty. For his safety, Your Majesty should think of a way. If you can't persuade him with words, then take action."

Dongfang Zihu asked: "You mean...?"

Lu Cong whispered shyly: "Brother Zhu is very good at bragging. Although he boasted that he was not afraid of wild beasts, he was not. Last time a small centipede fell in front of the wooden house. He fell down in fright and climbed in with his hands and feet. Hide in the house."

Dongfang Zi: "..."

With Master Lu's honest explanation, His Majesty soon had an idea.

"In the evening, let the frog spirit or the wolf demon scare him. After we finish the live broadcast, I will cash out the gift and book him a ticket immediately."

"Okay, Your Majesty. The minister will deal with this matter through sound transmission later."

One person and one deer discussed and walked away unknowingly.

"Junior Sister..." Zhu Feitian couldn't move anymore, panting like a bull and shouted, "How far is it? Give me a hand."

Dongfang Zi had no choice but to lead Lu Cong back and let him ride on Lu Cong's back.

Zhu Feitian lay on the back of the deer exhausted, and said with a smile: "This guy is really strong! He can carry me who weighs more than 200 catties! Awesome!"

"It's okay to take you to the sky." Dongfang Zi said seriously.

Zhu Feitian laughed loudly: "Junior Sister, I found that you are getting more and more humorous! You have a serious appearance of telling jokes, and you have great potential for cross talk! I have a strong feeling that you will definitely become a popular Internet sensation in the future." red!"

"Oh." Dongfang Zi replied absent-mindedly: "If you can make money, then continue the live broadcast. Anyway, if you are idle, you will be idle."

The valley is so big, it takes a few days to pick one to broadcast live, and all kinds of wild beasts in the mountains, big monsters and little monsters take turns to broadcast it for a long time.

Soon, they came to live broadcast on the grass at the other end of the valley.

This time, Senior Zhu was present, and Lu Cong couldn't perform magic tricks, so Dongfang Zi had to feed it to eat grass live, and then let Lu Cong do some jumping movements.

The vigorous posture of the giant deer bounces gracefully, jumps and jumps, the limbs are long and elegant, and with its perfect shape, it attracts bursts of cheers from the live broadcast room!
Zhu Feitian gestured his thumbs excitedly, and lowered his voice: "Likes are soaring! Gifts are soaring! Junior sister, come to a little climax and stop abruptly, it's almost time."

Dongfang Zi rolled her beautiful eyes and asked, "What else do you want to see?"

(End of this chapter)

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