Chapter 151 I Found You
Han Bo has always been a light sleeper, because he is too busy and under a lot of work pressure, so he often stays up late and spends time sleeping separately during the day.

The time and place of sleeping can not be fixed, forcing him to develop a good habit of not recognizing the bed.

No matter where he goes, he can fall asleep quickly.

In the past few days, I have been running around looking for my beloved girlfriend, and I have accumulated a lot of work. I just went to the lounge and opened the mailbox. I saw that there were more than 20 work emails.

Without taking a break, he quickly took out his laptop and quickly processed the emails.

It wasn't until after three o'clock in the morning that all work emails were processed, and I checked the chat group of the company's upper-level staff again, and found that the company was operating as usual and nothing major happened, so I took my pajamas and went to the bathroom to wash them.

After brushing my teeth and drinking water, the east has turned slightly white, and there are layers of mountains in the distance, and there is a faint green that shines through the morning light.

He instinctively felt that the nearby mountains should be very beautiful, so he yawned and hurried to bed to catch up on sleep.

He fell asleep almost as soon as he touched the pillow.

He didn't know how long he had been asleep, but two vague voices suddenly sounded beside his ears, making him wake up instinctively.

"Are you sure it's him?"


Just as he was about to wake up, he felt pitch black in front of his eyes, and a force hit his temple directly, and then he fell into complete darkness.

He must have been drowsy, otherwise how could he feel that the tip of his nose was full of purple deodorant, and beside his ears was the sound of her low and even breathing.

Is it a dream again?

It's so beautiful, I would rather not wake up in this life.

The faint sound of birdsong seems to be not far away, and the surroundings are quiet and warm-this feeling is too real!

Han Bo opened his eyes, then froze.

After a while, he slowly reached out to touch the pretty face of the woman beside him, getting closer inch by inch.

The warm and smooth touch from his fingers made him smile immediately!

Then, he quickly looked around and found that it was an exquisite and small wooden house. Her luggage bag was placed on the wooden shelf in the corner, and her usual clothes and the T-shirt he bought for her were hung on the other side.

where is thisIt should be her hometown.

Wherever he is!Anyway, as long as I can see her, I will recognize her no matter where she is!
Han Bo smiled, showing his white teeth.

He held her hand, feeling the familiar touch like cream returning again, Gao Xuan's heart finally calmed down.

For more than two months, and most of the summer will be over, he was finally able to hold her hand again in such a quiet manner.

Seeing the sweet and familiar sleeping face, he was so excited for a moment that he leaned forward and kissed her forehead, nose, and cheek.

Dongfang Zi was awakened by the kiss, and opened her eyes in a daze.


Looking at the bleary-eyed and charming look of the person in his arms, his intuition seemed to melt.

This little guy—was born to beat him.

Every small expression that he inadvertently can hold his heart tightly.

Only she made him feel so excited.

In short, no matter how big the obstacles and objections are in the future, he will never let her go!
His nose was pressed against hers, and he murmured ambiguously: "Honey, I finally found you on your bed."

(End of this chapter)

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