Chapter 152 Listen to Me

These words were so sensational, Dongfang Zi, who had always been thin-skinned, couldn't help but blush.

"You... start first!"

The two have been in love for a year, and the level of intimacy has reached the stage of kissing and hugging, but it has not yet reached the final step.

He once said that after she graduates, the relationship between the two is truly confirmed, they are engaged and married, and she must make up for his hard work and forbearance.

Unfortunately, after she graduated, the relationship between the two came to an end.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Zi felt a pain in her heart.

Han Bo is close at hand, and he can clearly see the dodge and helplessness in her eyes.

His handsome face sank slightly, he held her pretty face in his hands, and stared into her eyes.

"Zizi, tell me, what happened? I don't want to hear a word of what you said two days ago. I just want to hear your truth, what's in your heart."

The two have been dating for more than a year, and they are connected with each other. Her affection for him may not be as strong as his affection for her, but it is also true.

What you say don't look for her again, what you say you can't be together - everything is a lie!

He didn't believe it, not a word of it.

Dongfang Zi blinked a few times, then dodged to look elsewhere.

" don't ask why you came here half asleep? This is not a mining village."

He should have asked this question. In this case, she could tell him that he was taken captive, and that the captor was a monster.

Then she replied that she was also a monster, and in this huge valley, except for Zhu Feitian who was knocked out by a monster next door, and him, everyone else was a monster.

Han Bo, on the other hand, was a master who didn't play cards according to common sense. He shook his head and said, "As long as I can be with you, it doesn't matter if it's a mining village or not, even if it's a devil's den."

Dongfang Zi: "..."

She pursed her mouth and sighed: "But I don't care! To tell you the truth, this is the valley inside the mining village, this is the center of the valley, and it is also my hometown. My dad was born here—"

"Does your father disagree with us being together?" Han Bojun interrupted her with a dark face and asked, "He forced you to break up with me, didn't he? We had a fight. I couldn't go to your graduation ceremony that day." Participate, you are angry with me. In addition, I have always emphasized that you can only come to work in my company, and you exploded all of a sudden, and even blocked me. But you never said the word 'break up' from the beginning to the end."

Dongfang Zi lowered her eyes and couldn't help wondering.

He doesn't know her father, what kind of guesswork is this?The wind and the horse are irrelevant!

Han Bo continued to analyze with a sullen face: "You and I have been in love for a year, and we have had minor quarrels, but our relationship is very stable and has never been separated. I can't bear to break up. Why did you suddenly cut off contact with me, and after finally meeting you, you talked nonsense about 'can't be together'! You must have been forced."

Dongfang Zi sighed softly, and said in a low voice, "I was forced by reality..."

"I knew you were forced!" Han Bo's eyes flashed with joy, and he said calmly and excitedly, "Zizi, no matter who forces you, we will never separate!"

"Wait—listen to me!" Dongfang Zi frowned in embarrassment: "Can you listen to me first?"

"I listen to you for everything." Han Bo smiled and said in a low voice, "Except for the nonsense about breaking up, I listen to everything else."

Dongfang Zifu rolled his eyes and shouted: "This is the demon world! There are monsters everywhere!"

Han Bo: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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