Chapter 157 Frightened

The sudden screams and shouts frightened the three people present!
The next moment, the three of them instinctively looked up - and saw a big guy with eagle wings, a pointed mouth, a pointed nose, and a pointed head, galloping towards them!

Zhu Feitian was dumbfounded in fright.

Han Bo was dumbstruck with fright.

Dongfang Zi was full of anxiety and shouted: "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, the giant eagle fell to the ground.

The broad and huge wings closed, bowed respectfully, and the sharp mouth moved.

"Your Majesty, Master Lu was injured trying to save the frog! He asked to see His Majesty, and said that he had something extremely important to discuss with you, Your Majesty."

Injuried? !
Dongfang Zi was startled, and hurriedly asked, "Where is he?"

The giant eagle replied respectfully: "Prime Minister Shen is healing Lord Lu, and it is on the mountainside outside the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain. There are healing herbs over there. Prime Minister Shen hurriedly led Lord Lu there."

"Take me there immediately." Dongfang Zi turned to look at Zhu Feitian and Han Bo: "You guys stay here first, don't run around."

Then, her slender long legs climbed onto the eagle's back, and soon sat on the eagle's back.

The giant eagle quickly spread its wings and flew high. Gusts of wind swept the leaves in the forest, the branches bent over, and the grass fell to the ground.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the giant eagle climbed to the top of the giant tree and quickly disappeared under the blue sky.

Zhu Feitian: "..."! ! !
Han Bo: "..."? ?

After a long while, Zhu Feitian finally came back to his senses, trembling: "That...that... am I dreaming? Are you dreaming too? I... just saw an eagle just now... No! I saw it A man is a weirdo... No! A weirdo!"

His face was pale, and he felt that the scene just now seemed a little inexplicably familiar.

It seems that when he first came to the valley, he seemed to have seen such a scene.

The shock in Han Bo's heart was huge, but he was always calm and composed, so he didn't appear too surprised.

"I saw it too. It's real, not a dream."

Zhu Feitian panicked and patted his big face. Maybe he was too excited at the moment, and he patted too hard, so painful that he yelled "Ouch!" several times.

Han Bo: "..."

After Zhu Feitian was in pain, he became more and more panicked.

"I-I-Where is this? Junior Sister, why is she with that half-eagle, half-human monster? Is she in danger?! Also, just now I seem to have heard the giant eagle calling her 'Your Majesty' '?What's that?!"

Han Bo naturally heard it too, but he was as panicked as Zhu Feitian.

All of a sudden, the words that Dongfang Zi repeated several times just now flashed through his mind - this is the world of demons, and the humanoids here are actually monsters.

Demon world?monster?
And he... is a descendant of the demon catcher.

Zizi also guessed this just now.

In an instant, too much information flooded into his mind, and Han Bo felt a little dazed.

"Ah!" Zhu Feitian screamed and hid in the house!

Thinking of something, he hastily opened the door again, and dragged Han Bo in, who was stunned where he was.

"Dude! It's too scary! Let's get together and hide! At least we have a companion. If something happens, someone will go to the police—that's right! I have to call the police quickly! Junior sister—maybe it's dangerous! No, She might not be my junior sister! Oh my god! It's too scary!"

Zhu Feitian closed the wooden door shaking his fat body, and immediately locked it, and hurriedly blocked the chairs, stools, travel bags...everything he could get behind the door, and his smelly leisure time was placed on the top. shoe.

Han Bo: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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