Chapter 158 Injured
After a flurry of "carrying" high-intensity activities, Zhu Feitian collapsed on the wooden board.

"...The door is blocked, so it's finally safe."

Han Bo glanced at him lightly, and said, "The front and rear windows are still open."

Zhu Feitian: "..."! ! !
Seeing him getting up tired and going to close the window, Han Bo reminded quietly: "If the giant eagle wanted to hurt you just now, it only needs to slap you lightly with its wings, and you will fall badly."

The giant eagle's wings are more than two meters wide, and a strong flap is like a tenth-level hurricane.

If it was going to hurt the two of them just now, they would have become meat pies by now, so there is no chance for them to be here in a daze!

Zhu Feitian's face turned pale, and then calmed down a bit.

"That... What do you think it is? Is it a giant eagle with a genetic mutation? I didn't see it clearly enough just now, and found that it looks a bit like a human, but most of the other parts look like an eagle. Do you think there are people in this valley? Secretly engage in hybrid biotechnology?"

Han Bo shook his head.

He had heard of such techniques, but he concluded that the giant eagle just now was not like these.

Zizi said, this is the demon world, surrounded by monsters.

Seeing him shaking his head, Zhu Feitian thought he didn't agree with him, so he hurriedly explained: "You are also a villager, right? Don't you think it's strange that there are so many huge animals in your village? I saw a mushroom as tall as me the day before yesterday. I seem to have seen a giant wolf taller than me in the evening! It may be a genetically confused and mutated species!"

Han Bo raised his eyebrows, then shook his head again.

"I'm not a villager here. I'm here to find Zizi."

Zhu Feitian stared at him suspiciously, and asked curiously: "Who are you? What are you looking for her for?"

Han Bo lowered his eyes and replied, "I'm her boyfriend."

"Yo! You are her boyfriend?" Zhu Feitian excitedly exclaimed: "Didn't she say that she broke up with you?!"

Han Bojun's face darkened, and he said in a deep voice, "No, she came to her hometown for vacation, and I was late to find her, so she said that on purpose because she was angry."

Seeing that he seemed to be angry, Zhu Feitian felt that the other party's aura was too strong, so he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

"Well... then what should we do? Listen to the junior sister and hide here?"

Han Bo thought for a while and asked, "Do you know the mining village? It's not far from here, right?"

"It's just outside the valley." Zhu Feitian explained: "If you want to go out, you have to climb the mountain, and you will reach the mining village after crossing the mine."

Han Bo recalled that he slept in the lounge on the top floor of the mining village last night, but woke up in the wooden house next door, still beside his little girlfriend, obviously a monster brought him here.

Could it be the Giant Eagle just now?

By the way, he suddenly disappeared in the middle of the night, and it is already past noon, will the subordinates outside go crazy?
Grandpa and Dad should be able to reach the mining village this afternoon.

Oops!Could they have come to catch demons?
He hurriedly fumbled for his pocket—it was empty!
Oops!The mobile phone was charging on the desk by the window, not with him at all.


Back mountain, mountainside.

Shen Xi closed his eyes, pressed his palms on Lu Cong's back, and slowly healed his wound.

Lu Cong's face was pale, his beige robe was stained with blood, his brows and eyes were deeply wrinkled, and he seemed very uncomfortable.

Dongfang Zi and a few little demons were waiting at the side, anxiously and quietly waiting.

After a long while, Shen Xi finally let go of his palm, and took back the long hair that was wrapped around Lu Cong.

Dongfang Zi hurried forward and asked with concern: "Lu Lu, are you okay?"

Lu Cong opened his eyes in a daze, and said in a weak voice, "Your Majesty...the demon catcher is here, and he is in the mining village."

(End of this chapter)

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