Chapter 166 Collecting Guns

After a while, Dongfang Zi flew over the mountains and arrived at the nearest Southwest City.

"No! Little girl, don't you know? Buying a gun is illegal!"

"Hunting gun? No! It's not easy to buy, you can ask other people."


I went around the urban area until the sky was dark, and there was nothing to gain.

The steering wheel whispered: "Your Majesty, what does that... gun look like? Can it really scare demons?"

"Sure!" Dongfang Zi explained: "They have spells and swords to harm us demon people, and things that can restrain our demon power, but we don't have anything to restrain them. What a disadvantage to fight like this! People, people are flesh and blood, of course they are afraid of weapons. And guns are the strongest weapons that mortals can control alone."

"Oh..." the steering wheel asked: "What does that gun look like?"

Dongfang Zi took out her mobile phone, found some pictures of guns, and asked, "Where are your eyes?"

The steering wheel replied: "It's in front of the car!"

Dongfang Zi handed the phone forward and asked, "Can you see it?"

"Ah!" The old Cannon suddenly became excited and said loudly, "Your Majesty! I've seen these things! There are more of them!"

Dongfang Zihu asked: "Where did you see it? When did you see it?"

Shen Xie quickly replied: "In His Majesty Lan's fox cave. His Majesty Lan began to collect this kind of stuff more than 200 years ago. Every time he came back, he would throw out a lot of them. Last time we met, he asked me to bring some back for decoration. There are dozens of them!"

Dongfang Zi rolled his eyes and asked, "Is it a toy gun? Are you sure it's these? Will it be very heavy? Made of iron?"

"It's all made of iron!" Shen Xi explained: "The old minister helped to put it on the ancient shelf and the cave wall, and wiped it with his own hands, so I'm very sure."

Dongfang Zi smiled pleasantly, and said, "Great! I'll go down and buy some food, and then go back to look at the gun immediately."

"Yes, Your Majesty! No problem, Your Majesty!"


After buying a lot of food in the supermarket, Dongfang Zi took out her mobile phone and scanned the QR code to pay. Looking at the little balance left, she finally remembered the live broadcast business she started two days ago.

Zhu Xuechang's train ticket and air ticket are double, originally transferred to him, but he didn't order it, so he had to buy it for him himself.

After one round of buying, the balance is only more than 1000, and after buying a lot of food, there are only more than 700 left.

"I don't know if Lulu can still broadcast live? No, let him recover from his injuries. I'll ask the koi spirit for help tomorrow."

The steering wheel muttered: "Your Majesty, the old minister can also broadcast live! When the old minister changes into his original form, a ginseng root is more than ten feet long, enough to make those mortals salivate."

Earlier, when Zhu Feitian heard that his hair was made of small ginseng roots, his eyes lit up and he almost drooled.If it weren't for the dirt on it, maybe he would have gnawed it directly.

Dongfang Zi laughed, and explained: "You are a rare treasure, you can break the Guinness record if you take it out casually, so don't say goodbye!"

Get tens of meters of ginseng for live broadcast, and no one will believe it when it is kept.

Shen Xi was very hurt, and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, what is a Guinness record? Don't worry, I won't break it. It's over, right? Lu Cong said that all you need to do is jump around and do some small spells, and the old minister can do it too!"

Dongfang Zi quickly changed the words: "What I mean is——you are the rarest and most precious. Of course the best must be saved for the last. Don't worry, when everyone finishes the live broadcast, it will be your turn."

"Hey! The old minister is waiting!" Shen Xi became happy.

Soon it was dark, and Dongfang Zi drove over the mountains and returned to the valley.

(End of this chapter)

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