Chapter 167 Rage

The night was dark, and the atmosphere in the spacious office was almost uncomfortably oppressive.

The old man sitting on the sofa had a dark face, his eyes were ice-cold, and his face was ugly.

"Agu, how did you teach your son? The eldest grandson of our Han family has openly challenged me, and even wanted to sabotage a major event that I have worked so hard to plan for many years—disobedience and filial piety!"

Han Gu was so embarrassed that he made a flattering smile.

"Dad... Ah Bo has always been obedient. He was just obsessed with sex for a while, and was confused by the descendants of the nine-tailed fox. Since high school, he has been working and studying alone to make money, and has always been very independent. He has both studies and careers. It is very good. It may be that I have not been in Yuancheng for a long time, and I have forgotten the fine traditions of such a hometown."

"Bastard!" Han Wu exclaimed angrily, and his white beard trembled slightly: "Can he forget his family's roots! Does he still want to be our Han family?! Can the blood on his body be changed?!"

Han Gu was very worried, and stepped forward to persuade: "Dad, calm down, don't get angry. I scolded him earlier, let him go back to the room to reflect."

"Can I not be angry?!" The old man's chest heaved, and he was so angry that he blew his beard and stared: "My eldest grandson actually sang against me in front of so many people! He scolded me for not being able to mine, scolded for destroying the environment, and even threatened to go The environmental protection department revealed - he is crazy! I have worked hard for more than ten years, and finally found the fatal point of Yaozu. You spent so much money, and finally got all the certificate mining. So much money invested , How much manpower, material resources and money were spent, seeing that the mine was already half-empty and success was in sight, my grandson ran out to stop it--I was so angry!"

"Dad, don't be angry." Han Gu said in a low voice, "It's not his turn to be the master of Lingkuang Company. We have worked so hard to get it for many years. How can we let him jump around like a kid."

"Go! Drive him away immediately!" The old man took a deep breath, "I was upset when I saw him! The last time Dongfang Lan suddenly appeared and told me to take care of him and not allow him to covet his daughter. I didn’t know that he was already secretly dating someone outside. Tell him not to get too close to that... Dongfang Zi, and if he has a relationship, he should separate immediately, but he flatly refused! This kid’s wings stiffened, he turned around and left Yuancheng , you don’t even want to listen to me say a word!”

"Yes, yes." Han Gu said in a deep voice, "I'll let him leave with his people early tomorrow morning. Dad, it's already night, and the mountain roads are difficult to drive. I'm afraid it's not safe to drive overnight. Let him stay one more night, tomorrow morning Let him go at once."

The old man opened the quaint wooden box beside him, took out a dazzling red wooden sword, and slowly and carefully wiped it.

"We can't deal with Dongfang Lan. The other little demons are all little shrimps, so there's no need to worry. As for his half-demon daughter, she's only in her twenties at most, and she won't be able to make a big difference."

Han Gu frowned and asked, "Dad, the little nine-tailed fox in his twenties... hasn't grown up yet?"

"She was born by Dongfang Lan and a woman. She is a half-demon." The old man said slowly: "The half-demon has some human characteristics and grows much faster than monsters. The blood of the nine-tailed fox is no longer pure. Luck is about to end."

The Nine-Tailed Fox of the demon tribe respects the rainbow and has been named after the color of the rainbow. It has been used until Dongfanglan, and has stagnated for thousands of years without any descendants. Who knows that 20 years ago, an old clam gave birth to a pearl and gave birth to a little half-demon.

(End of this chapter)

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