Chapter 172

After choosing for a long time, Dongfang Zi still couldn't make a decision.

"Old Shen, which ones have my father dumped on you in recent years?"

The technology of guns is constantly developing, and it should be more recent and more advanced.

The old Cannon pointed to the back and explained: "It was bought by His Majesty Lan when he went on an overseas trip more than ten years ago. There are more than 20 kinds of them. Some are very small and delicate, and there is even a silver one."

Dongfang Zi hurriedly went to open it—and picked out the two smallest ones.

"Oh? They all use the same type of bullets! They can still be used in common use. Okay, just these two."

Shen Xihu asked: "Your Majesty, only two?"

"No." Dongfang Zi explained: "I still need a few long ones, and the one with a silencer. I'm going to call some little demons to learn."

Shen Xi obeyed her command, wrapped her hair around the big boxes, and quickly led her out of the fox cave.

After a while, Lu Cong came with a few little demons.

"See Your Majesty! See Prime Minister!"

Dongfang Zi waved his hand, looked at Lu Cong and asked, "How is your injury? Do you feel better?"

Lu Cong's handsome face flushed slightly, and he replied: "Thank you for your concern, I feel much better. I took another spirit herb this morning, and my meridians are unobstructed, and my dantian has a surplus, which makes me feel very comfortable."

"That's great!" Dongfang Zi said, "Have a good rest, don't be careless when you recover quickly."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Lu Cong pointed to the little monsters beside him and explained: "They are all the little monsters with the best eyes in the clan, but their skills are not very strong. I don't know what your Majesty wants them to do?"

Dongfang Zi waved and shouted: "Old Shen, put out the guns first."

Shen Xi hastened to do so.

The little demons saw their eyes bright and exclaimed: "Your Majesty, what is this?"

Dongfang Zi explained: "This is a gun, a very fast... dart."

Lu Cong has been to the mortal world many times, so he has a certain understanding of guns.

"A gun is a small weapon propelled by gunpowder. It is very similar to the principle of a dart. Your Majesty will explain it this way, and it will be easier for you to understand. The bullets in the gun fly extremely fast. Except for our Majesty Lan, there is probably no demon in the demon world. Throw darts faster than guns."

After Shen Xi heard this, he couldn't help but said: "Although the skill of the old minister is not as good as His Majesty Lan's, it is still more than enough to throw darts. The old minister has thousands of ginseng roots, and if each one throws a dart, it will be a thousand swords!"

After the other little demons heard this, they lost interest in an instant.

Lu Cong also looked at Dongfang Zi suspiciously, not knowing what she was doing to find out what His Majesty Lan had collected.

Dongfang Zi straightened her back and asked loudly, "Can you throw darts so fast without magic?"

"...that's impossible." Shen Xie smiled lowly, and replied, "Even with Mrs. Xiong's arm strength, she can't throw it so fast and so far."

Dongfang Zi took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Everyone, think about it first. We monsters are stronger than ordinary people, we can fly and escape into the sky, but why are we so afraid of catching monsters?"

The demons were stunned.

Dongfang Zi said sternly: "Because except for some instinctive abilities, everything else has to be realized by magic. And once our magic power and magic are controlled by the demon catcher, we will be powerless, unable to fight back, and will be injured or even die. "

Lu Cong nodded, his eyes moved slightly: "That's true. The weapons and talismans used to catch demons are all aimed at the demons and demon power of our demon clan. As long as we are demons, it will be difficult to escape from these."

"So, we have to deal with them with weapons that demon catchers are afraid of." Dongfang Zi raised his voice, "And it's a weapon that doesn't need magic power."

(End of this chapter)

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