Chapter 173 Poisonous Chicken Soup

After Lu Cong and Shen Xie heard this, their eyes lit up.

"Your Majesty... this suggestion is really high!"

"Yes! Why didn't we think of it before!"

The other little demons became excited, and hurriedly said in unison: "Your Majesty, we want to learn! Let's learn!"

Dongfang Zi smiled happily, and took out the phone.

"Come on, let me find some shooting videos for you to watch. I don't know exactly how to shoot. Let's watch it first, and then learn while watching."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Dongfang Zi opened the browser, and quickly searched for some small videos, and some were small clips of exciting games.

"Everyone form a semi-circle and watch these shooting videos."

The little demons obeyed and followed suit.

Dongfang Zi was in charge of clicking on the video, and secretly felt that it was fortunate that senior Zhu helped steal the Internet and electricity, otherwise he would not know where to find teaching demonstrations like this.

"Wow! It's amazing! One dart kills!"

"Just button that little thing, and it can be sent immediately! It seems very easy!"

"No, you have to aim accurately, so that you won't make mistakes when you go out."


Dongfang Zi found some videos of loading bullets, but unfortunately there were not many of them. Fortunately, the guns were about the same size, so after watching them a few times, the demons were able to reload them.

Lu Cong is very smart, he quickly mastered the technique and taught it to a few little demons.

Dongfang Zi turned around and found a few fat house water bottles thrown away by senior Zhu, and placed them dozens of meters away.

"Everyone try to learn long-range shooting. Just now Lu Lu explained that there are a lot of talisman papers for monster catchers, and we can be immobilized with just a light flick. So, let's try not to get too close to them."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Lu Cong picked up a sniper rifle, squinted his eyes, and quickly pulled the trigger.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise!
The bottle shattered in an instant, shattered, and the fragments flew away.

"Wow! It's amazing!"

"Oh my god! It's so loud! It's so different from His Majesty's mobile phone, it's not as loud inside!"

The next moment, the bird in the mountain forest flapped its wings, flew up in shock, and flew randomly.

Dongfang Zi hurriedly ordered to Shen Xie: "Hurry up! Hurry up and send the sound transmission, so that everyone should not panic! Wait, let's not make too much noise, so as not to be guarded by the mortals outside. Old Shen, can you ...Do you want to make a barrier like sound insulation?"

"Yes." The old ginseng explained: "There is no way to make a large-scale enchantment, wrapping a mountain like this - a piece of cake!"

Dongfang Zi smiled happily and said, "Then please!"

"What are you talking about, Your Majesty!" Shen Xi quickly cast a spell, covering the surrounding area with an enchantment, and it was completed in the blink of an eye.

Next, Lu Cong taught a few little demons how to practice guns.

Dongfang Zi took out a small gun and learned to aim at the bottle, but unfortunately it looked easy, but it was very difficult to do.

Firstly, although the gun is small, it is made of special iron material. It is heavy in the hand, and it is difficult to aim it. Once the trigger is pulled hard, it will deviate from the target all at once.

A small mistake is a thousand miles away, and the bullet flew nowhere.

Shen Xi yawned boredly at the side, and encouraged: "Come on, Your Majesty! The other little monsters have already mastered it! Only you are missing! You are the first to understand this, and you will definitely not be worse than the late scholars!"

Dongfang Zi: "..."

No matter how unpalatable this poisonous chicken soup is, you have to drink it down, otherwise it will be too embarrassing.

At this time, the old attendant turned his head and reported: "Your Majesty, the frog spirit is here, and the sound transmission said that there is something important to report."

"Oh." Dongfang Zi put down the gun and said, "Let him in."

(End of this chapter)

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