Chapter 174 See Tricks and Tricks
Although the frog spirit accidentally exposed himself and harmed other companions, Dongfang Zi didn't punish him to be imprisoned, but let him commit crimes and make meritorious deeds, leading a group of little demons to guard above the valley.

Her reason is very simple - the demon catcher is outside right now, and it is time to use the "monster" at this time, so she will not be punished for the time being, and the merits and demerits will be discussed later.

The frog spirit was moved to tears, and vowed that he would keep his post and never take it lightly.

Considering that the flying monsters have better eyesight, Dongfang Zi also sent falcons to help, guarding the "airspace" of the valley.

Shen Xie untied the barrier, and the frog spirit flew in very quickly, knelt down and bowed down, "Your Majesty, I have something important to report."

"Get up and talk." Dongfang Zi wiped off his sweat, and greeted: "Everyone take a break first. In addition, I would like to remind everyone: guns can misfire, and accidents are prone to happen, so it is not allowed to point the muzzle at monsters. Also, usually Raise the muzzle of the gun as high as possible, and use it carefully, don’t be careless.”

"Yes, Your Majesty!" All the monsters shouted in unison
Frog Jing pointed to the outside and said: "Your Majesty, two cars drove in from Dawai earlier. There was no writing on one of them, and the word 'Judicial' was written on the body of the other. I thought they were just ordinary people. Unexpectedly, after they came, the mortals in the mining village were very nervous. I was afraid that it might be something important, so I thought I should come in and report to His Majesty."

"Judicial?!" Dongfang Zi asked in surprise, "Are you sure it's these two words?"

"Yes." Frog Jing flicked his sleeves, quickly wrote two crooked characters, and said, "Master Lu taught me these two characters, I remember them."

Dongfang Zi rolled her eyes and smiled in surprise.

"It should be that there is a follow-up to the sewage report! Old Shen, you follow me out to have a look, and the other monsters continue to practice guns. Frog, hurry up! Lead the way ahead!"


Outside the valley, on the Spirit Mine.

"Your Majesty, several mortals got out of that car and were surrounded by people and entered the office building one after another. When they came out just now, many people accompanied them into the mine."

Dongfang Zi frowned and thought for a while, then asked: "The it still in the ravine on the side of the mining village?"

"Yes." The Frog Spirit is in charge of monitoring the mining village every day, and he understands it very clearly: "At present, it is on the other side of the ravine. Earlier, some miners found branches to cover the part of the ravine facing outward. The ravine is very long. Can't cover it all."

When Dongfang Zi heard this, he immediately guessed that the Han family was trying to hide evidence and avoid punishment.

She thought something was wrong!
Although the mining machines were buried under the boulders, there was no guarantee that the other party would find new mining machines. After all, they had mines and were not short of money.

If effective legal means can be used to stop them from mining...

"Come on monster!" Dongfang Zi shouted: "Who can cast spells to absorb water? The one that absorbs a lot at once?"

The frog spirit and several water monsters raised their hands one after another.

Dongfang Zi hurriedly commanded: "Come on! Old Shen, you and a few little demons will cover them, let them suck some sewage, and then spray it to the front of the mine, as much as possible."

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Dongfang Zi attracted the falcon again, turned over and rode on its back.

"Everyone, please rest assured that Eagle Falcon and I will watch out for you in mid-air. If there is a demon catcher, we will immediately notify each other through voice transmission. No matter whether we succeed or not, we will retreat and hide in the valley immediately. Safety first!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Dongfang Zi took out his pistol and raised his voice: "All monsters obey orders! Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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