His Majesty the Demon King is an internet celebrity

Chapter 191 The Oriental Koi Beauty

Chapter 191 The Oriental Koi Beauty

Forehead? !

Dongfang Zi changed her mind secretly, not daring to tell the truth that mortal women have been "thin for beauty" for many years.

"Oh... I have lost weight for several years, so I should have lost a lot of weight."

The koi spirit thought for a while, and replied: "It is true that I have lost a lot of weight, and I should only have more than 4000 catties left."

Dongfang Zi: "..."

So, Dongfang Zi walked down the stream and greeted: "How about this, let's go to a place where the water is deeper below. Also, can you make it smaller? How many times smaller? Yes?"

The koi spirit flew aside slowly and asked, "Why?"

Dongfang Zi made a "head" and raised the mobile phone in his hand.

"My camera is very small, and I can't take pictures of things that big. You just need to be—er—about the size of that rock."

The koi spirit glanced at it, and muttered in distaste: "So small? Then am I not beautiful?"

"Who said that!" Dongfang Zi said: "Your prototype is so beautiful, with glistening scales, red and pink, who can compare to your beauty!"

The koi spirit laughed happily, and plunged into the creek in an instant, turning into a big fish.

Dongfang Zi breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered: "Swim over here, don't talk for a while, just follow my orders and shake your tail and head."

"Yes, Your Majesty! No! I cannot speak! Your Majesty, I will stop!"

Dongfang Zi took off her shoes and socks, stepped down her slender snow-white long legs, turned on her mobile phone after standing still, entered the live broadcast room, and clicked "Start".

"Hello! Hello everyone! Today'Oriental Giant Deer' will broadcast a live broadcast of the beautiful big koi in the mountains."

She has tens of thousands of fans, and someone clicked on it just after the broadcast started.

As soon as the words were spoken, several comments popped up!

--don't want!I want deer!Such a beautiful deer, I have been thinking about it for days!
——I want deer!Aren't you a giant oriental deer?Why do you become an oriental koi?Who wants to see koi?go!
——Who doesn’t know koi? !Isn't there a cute big elk?Then I won't watch it!Not fans anymore!
Dongfang Zi was secretly anxious, and quickly explained: "I'm sorry, my deer was accidentally injured two days ago and is still recuperating. I won't be able to meet you until next week. However, my big koi is also very cute! Everyone, please look!"

Then, she quickly pointed the camera at the big koi next to her.

"Look everyone! Isn't it beautiful? Chubby, chubby, cute? Koi represents good luck, I hope my fat koi can bring good luck to everyone today."

- God!Big, big, big, big!

--Oh my god!More than 100 catties, right? !Where is this koi? !Giant hey!

——It's so cute!Why don't you seem to be able to swim?Is it too fat to swim?
- God!This is the first time in my life to see such a super big koi!Mom!I'm definitely going to get lucky!Big hair!


As soon as the Koi Jing appeared, the entire live broadcast room was boiling, and the barrage instantly covered the entire screen!

Seeing this, Dongfang Zi quickly reached out to caress the koi's back.

"Swim a few laps for everyone to see! Quick! Move your tail!"

The big koi was very obedient, shaking its fat fish body, and swam slowly in the stream, but the stream was not deep enough and there were many stones, so it was forced to stop after two laps.

——Nest mother!This fat guy is so cute!Send you ten yachts, reward you to swim faster!
--Mamma Mia!Could this big guy be a model? !So hot!You can swim so well!

(End of this chapter)

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