Chapter 192
——Be good at the nest!Why is this guy so hot and fat!The anchor is sure it's real! ?It can't be a model, can it?

——How can there be such a big koi in the world?is that a lie!If you get a big red and colorful fish, you can say it is a koi carp. What is the evidence? !
- I wipe!I have seen a lot of koi, only half a meter long!If this is true, bloggers can apply for the Guinness Book of Records!

——Oh my god!So beautiful!Definitely a koi!I want to become a koi too!The luckiest baby in the world!


There were a lot of comments, and Dongfang Zi was a little dazzled. He didn't care to respond, and let the koi spirit swim again, put down the phone, and carefully took pictures of its naive, chubby and cute appearance when swimming.

After a while, she leaned forward.

Under the bottomless stream, her white and slender legs are clearly visible, like a section of white jade, crystal clear.

With her calves and feet as references, fans quickly got a new idea of ​​the size of the koi.

- God!what do i see !Miss sister's legs - simply ah!No wonder the ancients described beautiful women as beautiful as jade!I finally got the classic connotation of this word today!

——Damn it!Beautiful legs!So tender and white!God!If it weren't for the beauty anchor's feet being too small, then the koi would have weighed two to three hundred catties at least!

——A proper giant koi!Really?Is there really such a big koi? !How many years will it take?
——Call the blogger!Speak up!When was your koi raised?This has to be refined, right? !

——What did you eat to grow so big?fattening agent?Hahaha!The ratio of fat is almost one to one!


Dongfang Zi caressed the big head of the koi carp, and said nonsense: "It is very old. When I was very young, it was already a big koi carp. It has been kept in the wild streams and surrounded by nets. This It is surrounded by deep mountains and old forests, the environment is good, and the stream is clear, so it grows very well."

——It's no wonder!Those kept in the wild are not considered pets!In the world, anything is possible!
——Miss anchor, do you sell this koi in your house? !How many prices?I want to buy it!The nest wants to raise koi, and I want to become a big koi in the new era!Aww!
——Beautiful young lady, can you sell it by the catty?I'll buy it for you in four figures, okay?
——Who said four digits upstairs?Friends, you must not know the real price of koi now!My classmate bought a ten-jin koi at home last month, and it cost a full 20 yuan!

—Wow!The young lady must also be rich!Excuse me, is this a new way to show off your wealth?It used to be to show off luxury cars and mansions, but now it is showing off wealth in disguise!I'm completely out!

——What a cute fat koi!Miss Dongfang Julu, you can change your account now!Oriental Fat Koi!Hahaha!

As more and more fans clicked into the live broadcast room, the rewards and likes were also rising steadily, and the numbers were changing.

Dongfang Zi looked secretly happy, and said: "My koi still has a unique skill, which is to pat its back, and it will shake its tail vigorously."

--Really? !I want to see it!
——Let it be thrown away!

——That tail is too fat to say anything!Miss, your koi has to consider losing weight!It's so round that it doesn't have the shape of a fish!Hahaha!
Dongfang Zi glanced at it, secretly glad that the koi was illiterate, and coaxed with a smile, "Quick! Flick your tail!"

After finishing speaking, she patted the koi's back.

The next moment, "Boom!" There was a loud noise!
The stream rose up like a curtain, and with a sound of "splash!", it poured all over Dongfang Zi's body!
(End of this chapter)

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