Chapter 208 Persuading
"Don't! Don't!" Dongfang Zi was so frightened that she shed tears and choked up: "Don't kill him... Dad, you can't kill him."

Seeing that Dongfang Zi was crying, Han Bo's heart skipped a beat, and he raised his voice, "Uncle, if we have something to say, we can talk about it. Let's not scare Zizi, okay?"

Dongfang Lan was a little flustered, and said in a deep voice, "Shut up! Who is willing to scare her?! Kid! I want to scare you——plan to kill you!"

"No!" Dongfang Zixin was in a mess, making a gesture to rush forward.

Lu Cong saw her and hurriedly grabbed her.

"Your Majesty, don't go forward. The cliff here is not stable, it is formed by the alluvial sand above, and the tip of the cliff cannot bear too much weight."

Dongfang Zi became even more anxious when she heard this, and said loudly, "Dad, when did you become so unreasonable? You arrest people without saying a word, and even kill people! My dad has always been humorous, kind, and kind." Love. You let Han Bo go first, we have something to talk about, can you?"

Dongfang Lan seemed to pause and think for a while, then hesitated to speak: "What do you want to say to me? Do you want to be with this kid?"

"No..." Dongfang Zi sniffed, and said with the wind: "I'm just dating him, and I haven't decided whether we will be together in the end. If you object—"

"Of course I object!" Dongfang Lan said roughly: "It's not good for you to find anyone, but you are looking for someone from the Han family! In my heart, no one is worthy of my baby! The big and small stubbornness of the Han family are not good things , even more unworthy!"

Han Bo wants to speak——

"I see!" Dongfang Zi raised her voice, "Dad, if you really don't want to, then I will re-evaluate my relationship with him."

Han Bo frowned, while Dongfang Lan smiled in surprise and asked, "Really?"

Dongfang Zi repeatedly nodded and beckoned.

"Of course it's true. Dad, bring him here quickly. I'll explain our relationship to you first, and let him tell you his views and ideas. If you find it unacceptable, let him Get out of the valley."

Dongfang Lan thought for a while, and seemed to have made a very careful calculation.

"Okay then. Let's sit down and have a good chat. If I really don't approve of him, you must send him out of the valley immediately."

"Okay, okay! I promise!" Dongfang Zi raised her brows with joy, and said, "Then come here quickly, hurry up!"

Dongfang Lan smiled slightly, grabbed Han Bo, and then threw him to the side of Lu Cong, and came to her daughter.

"Baby, come here and give Dad a hug."

Seeing that Han Bo was safe and sound, Dongfang Zi relaxed her whole body, took a long breath, and fell into her father's arms.

Dongfang Lan happily smiled and narrowed her eyes, stroking her hair, "Baby, do you miss Dad?"

"...Think about it." Dongfang Zi said in a muffled voice, "If you don't lie to me, don't lie to me, or hide from me, I will miss you even more."

Dongfang Lan: "..."

At this time, a big somersault cloud rushed over from behind.

I saw Old Cannon and Luo Fang standing in front of somersaulting cloud, looking down anxiously.

Luo Fang turned slightly pale, and asked nervously, "Husband, what's the matter? What's the matter?"

"Oh!" Dongfang Lan pushed her daughter away, and flew up in a hurry, hugging and supporting her beautiful wife, "Honey, how can you sit on a somersault cloud? It's too dangerous! There is no seat belt or guardrail, what if you don't stand firmly?" What to do? Old Shen! Why do you still fail in this somersaulting cloud! Withdraw!"

Shen Xi shrank his head and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty Lan, forgive me... the old minister forgot in a moment of anxiety."

(End of this chapter)

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