Chapter 209

Dongfang Lan hugged his lovely wife tenderly, and scolded: "There will be no next time!"

Shen Xi smiled again and again: "Okay, Your Majesty Lan. No problem, Your Majesty Lan."

"Yo!" Dongfang Lan laughed, and said, "You are a good student! Deer, this time I brought you a lot of new Internet words and new words from young people, and you will teach them to everyone. "

"Yes, Your Majesty Lan." Lu Cong bowed respectfully.

Dongfang Lan looked at her daughter with a smile, and the smile on Jun's face suddenly froze and disappeared.

Seeing his daughter pulling Han Bo nervously, looking left and right, worrying and asking him if he was injured, he looked worried about his lover, which made him very angry.

Luo Fang on the side took his hand and lowered her voice: "Husband, what are you doing? I was terrified just now, and I thought something serious happened. It was flying and arresting people, and my daughter was still alive." crying."

Dongfang Lan's eyes flickered slightly, and he whispered: "Honey, am I not listening to you? Put it to death and live later. Instead of making my daughter angry at me and ignore me, I might as well poke her heart directly and slap me Make it clear how you treat that kid."

Luo Fang glanced at the young man who was hugging him below, and didn't know how to express his position for a moment.

"I'm asking you to suppress the situation, not to encourage your daughter's arrogance, not to let you put her to death."

Dongfang Lan snickered, and said in a low voice, "It's just to scare that brat."

Luo Fang recalled the situation just now, and couldn't help being coquettish: "I didn't scare you, but you scared your daughter to tears!"

"My fault, my fault." Dongfang Lan whispered: "This kid doesn't seem to eat hard food. Don't be afraid, I'll give him soft food later. If he doesn't eat soft food, then I have other tricks !"

Luo Fang frowned impatiently, and said, "I'm tired, let's go back and have a rest first."

After a flight of more than ten hours, plus the speeding all the way, she felt exhausted and flustered.

Dongfang Lan nodded hastily, "Okay, I'll take you back to the tree hole to rest immediately."

After finishing speaking, he bowed his head and shouted: "Baby, your mother is tired, escort your mother back to rest."

Dongfang Zi raised her eyes hastily, and saw her queen mother's face was slightly pale, snuggling in her father's arms, only to realize that she hadn't called her mother yet, so she blurted out: "Mom!"

Luo Fang nodded lightly, "Let's go back first."

Han Bo was very good at judging the situation and shouted appropriately, "Hello, Auntie!"

Luo Fang is a mortal and a highly educated cultural person. Although he didn't approve of this boy in his heart, he took the initiative to greet him politely, but he didn't respond at all.

She looked at Han Bo and nodded politely.

Dongfang Lan rolled her eyes, turned around and flew away with Luo Fang in her arms, leaving behind a muffled sound transmission: "Stop talking nonsense, we all go back to the valley first!"

Han Bo looked at the future father-in-law and mother-in-law who disappeared in an instant, and couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

The father-in-law is so fierce and tough, and his attitude towards him is even more rigid. He will kill himself if he speaks.

On the contrary, the mother-in-law is gentle and virtuous, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

Looking at the situation just now, the father-in-law should be a complete wife slave.If this is the case, perhaps he should start with his mother-in-law and seek a suitable breakthrough.

Dongfang Zi pulled him, and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong? Are you scared? I was really scared just now."

"I'm fine." Han Bo smiled slightly and pulled her into his arms, "You are very smart, you know how to step back and perfunctory uncle, and help me tide over the difficulties."

(End of this chapter)

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