Chapter 210 Start a battle of wits

Dongfang Zi let out a long breath, and said in a low voice, "I was really scared just now..."

Dad is not an impulsive person, why did he suddenly arrest him and want to kill him? !

"It seems that the grievances between your family and the Yaozu are beyond our imagination."

Han Bo frowned slightly, and patted her shoulder lightly.

"Zizi, don't worry. Freezing three feet does not happen in a day. We don't know the inside story yet, so we will be passive. Don't be afraid, the spirit will open the stone, we must persevere."

"Well." Dongfang Zi whispered: "My dad looks down on weak and flattering people. You can do whatever you are, and you don't have to please him. It's the sentence I reminded you earlier-do Just be yourself, that's all."

"Okay." Han Bo smiled and said, "I'll listen to you."

Lu Congjun on the side blushed slightly and reminded: "Your Majesty, Mr. Han, let's go back quickly. Your Majesty Lan and the others have probably already arrived in the valley."

"That's right!" Dongfang Zi pulled Han Bo back and said, "My father is very self-willed, but he is only afraid of my mother. My queen mother is a traditional Chinese painting painter. Apart from being strict with me, she is very kind to everyone else. very."

"Understood." Han Bo wrote it down carefully.

Dongfang Zi said to Lu Cong: "Then let's go back."

Han Bo smiled and nodded: "Master Lu, thank you for your timely help just now."

Originally, he didn't know how to call Lu Cong and Shen Xie, thinking that they were old monsters thousands of years old, no matter what they called, they would take advantage of it, so he decided to call them "senior".

Dongfang Zi laughed and said it sounded like she was filming a martial arts movie.

Han Bo had no choice but to change his words. Later, he learned that Lu Cong and Shen Xi were the left and right ministers of the demon world, and knew that they were high-ranking and powerful people with official positions, so he simply called them "adults".

Lu Cong whispered shyly: "It's nothing to worry about, His Majesty has orders, and I will naturally obey them."

Dongfang Zi shuddered——Han Bo quickly hugged her and asked, "What's wrong? The mountain wind is too cold?"

It's already autumn, and the weather in the mountains is very cool sooner or later.

"No." Dongfang Zi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and explained: "You have only been in the valley for about ten days, how did you learn the style of Lu Cong and the others? Don't! It sounds very entertaining!"

Han Bo and Lu Cong looked at each other, and they both smiled at the same time.

At this time, Shen Xie's voice transmission slowly floated over - Your Majesty, please come back quickly, we have already reached the valley.His Majesty Lan asked you to hurry to the small tree hole. "

Lu Cong hurried back with Dongfang Zi and Han Bo.

As soon as he arrived at the outskirts of the valley, he saw Shen Xie waiting in the air, "Your Majesty, Mr. Han, please come with the old minister."

Dongfang Zi couldn't help asking: "Old Shen, where is the small tree hole? Why haven't I heard of such a small tree hole!"

Shen Xi smiled and explained: "Your Majesty, follow the old minister. The small tree hole is under the big tree hole, but it is on another tree. Its hole has been sealed by His Majesty Lan all the year round. Except for him, no one else Even monsters can't enter, so I didn't introduce you to His Majesty."

"Wait!" Dongfang Zi had an intuition that he couldn't go to such a place, and looked at Han Bo with a little worry, and said, "Old Shen, tell my dad that I was frightened by him just now, and I feel uncomfortable. I and Han Bo goes back to the tree house to rest for a while."

"Your Majesty, but..." Shen Xi hesitated.

"No, but." Dongfang Zi resolutely said: "We will meet again at dinner time, and we will have dinner together at that time. You and my father are like this."

(End of this chapter)

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