Chapter 211 The Secret
"What?!" Dongfang Lan said angrily, "That girl said that?"

"Yes." Shen Xi smiled apologetically: "Your Majesty said that her heart is not feeling well, and she wants to go back to rest."

Dongfang Lan rolled her eyes, not believing it at all.

"I'm scared of that brat from the Han family. What is she doing when she's not feeling well? Then—what about that brat from the Han family? Isn't he feeling sick? It's him I want to see, so bring him here!"

Shen Xi shrank his neck and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty Lan, don't embarrass the old minister. How could your majesty agree, right? You are your majesty, and she is also your majesty. The old minister doesn't even know who to listen to."

"I'm her father, she still has to listen to me." Dongfang Lan snorted softly.

Shen Xi twitched his eyes and asked, "Really? Is it possible?"

Dongfang Lan: "..."

So, the old demon king took a deep breath and put on his old airs.

"I am her father, and I am the old demon king. In terms of seniority and seniority, my orders will naturally override her. Listen to me and go and capture him. I have something to ask him face to face."

Shen Xi pursed his lips, crying with an old face: "Don't force the old minister! It's too hard for me, old minister!"

If he avoided His Majesty Zi and listened to His Majesty Lan, would His Majesty Zi spare him?
Rather than offending the new majesty, it is better to offend the old majesty, anyway - the new majesty is much more reliable than her father!

Dongfang Lan glared at him angrily, and snorted coldly: "Could it be that I have been your master for more than 1 years, and I can't compare to that little girl for three months?!"

"...Yes." Shen Xi replied in a low voice.

Dongfang Lan: "..."

Lu Cong hurriedly stepped forward, pulled Shen Xie off, and bowed respectfully: "Your Majesty Lan, Old Shen is confused. You know, as long as you ask complicated rhetorical questions, he often can't get around it."

Shen Xi suppressed his laughter, pretending to be miserable and begging for mercy.

Dongfang Lan rolled her eyes and said in a muffled voice: "Forget it, think about the bright side in everything. My baby is so outstanding, and her ability to seduce demon hearts is better than mine, so why should I worry about it!"

"That's right!" Shen Xi hurriedly laughed and agreed.

"Boom!" Dongfang Lan shook his head and said harshly, "How dare you fool me! I'll chop you up and make ginseng soup for my wife!"

Shen Xi yelled, and knelt down.

Dongfang Lan said unhappily: "Go down now and use your old ginseng skin to make a house for the baby! I can tolerate that kid staying in the valley for two more days, but I will never allow him to be alone with my baby if he is killed. Men, widows and women share the same room!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Shen Xi knew that Dongfang Lan had already set the bottom line.

Han Bo could not be killed, and Han Bo could even stay. The bottom line is that the two of them should not be too close, and do not cause "human" lives.

Dongfang Lan narrowed her eyes, frowned and sighed: "You know what kind of blood the surname 'Han' has. Old Shen, are you too old, too old to be confused?"

"Your Majesty... the old minister is guilty." Shen Xi turned pale and bowed tremblingly: "The old minister will deal with it immediately."

Lu Cong's eyes turned slightly, and he felt that they were alluding to the ancient secrets of the demon world. Although he was very curious, he didn't dare to ask, so he lowered his eyes.

Dongfang Lan quickly regained her composure and smiled happily.

"I have good news for you, the princess is pregnant again. The Dongfang family finally - finally broke the demon king's spell! It is about to open a new page in our demon world!"

Lu Cong smiled, bowed and bowed: "Congratulations to Your Majesty Lan and Princess Wang!"

Shen Xi stared in disbelief, then smiled in surprise, and finally wept with joy.

(End of this chapter)

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