Chapter 222 Good News

The sky is bright, and the mountain breeze in the valley in early autumn is cool.

Dongfang Zi turned over in a daze, instinctively rolled up the quilt beside her, and continued to sleep soundly.

"Baby, it's time to get up." A loving and gentle voice sounded.

Dongfang Zi glanced at one eye, muttered: "Dad... don't make noise..." and then closed his eyes.

Dongfang Lan was dressed in high-end casual clothes, bright and handsome, and walked in slowly.

"Baby, your mother said that if you don't get up in five minutes, she will punish you for copying 5 ancient poems and painting two Chinese paintings, all of which must be handed in before eight o'clock in the evening."

As soon as the words were finished, the person on the bed threw off the quilt and jumped down!
Then, she yawned while folding the quilt, and shouted anxiously: "Mom~ I'm awake~" She spoke out of breath and flustered.

Dongfang Lan on the side suppressed a smile.

Dongfang Zi looked around, momentarily dazed.

" are you here?"

This is the room in the tree hole, where she has lived before.

wait!It seems that my father and mother came yesterday... and it seems that they are not.

Dongfang Lan's eyes moved slightly, and he smiled fondly: "What? Are you sleepy? After you graduate, I will let you go back to your hometown for vacation. After you come, you will successfully inherit the throne and lead the demon people to learn modern knowledge outside. Electricity, got the Internet, and exposed the iron mines outside to pollute the environment, let it be blocked smoothly, and keep the spiritual veins of our demon clan. After hearing your glorious deeds, your mother and I are proud of you, so hurry up Came here to celebrate with you. And with good news to share with you."

Dongfang Zi blinked her eyes, said "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"Haha!" Dongfang Lan shrugged: "What account? The living expenses and tuition fees given to you these years? It's okay, I'll wait for you to pay it back slowly."

"No!" Dongfang Zi stared: "Why didn't you tell me that I'm a monster? You tricked me into coming here to wipe your ass! It's too much! You are so irresponsible! I - by the way, I have graduated , I haven't looked for a job yet!"

She must have been stunned from sleep, she felt that her head was a little messy, as muddy as paste.

By the way, she decided before that after the matter of the demon world came to an end, she would go back to the mortal world to find a job.It's a pity that it has been delayed because of the spiritual mine.

Dongfang Lan said warmly: "Don't be afraid, anyway, our family doesn't lack your little salary. Stay here first, renovate the valley, and take this opportunity to spend more time with me and your mother."

"No more!" Dongfang Zi fished over her phone and found out in surprise: "It's October?! did time go by so fast? Dad, I have to find a job quickly! Now the spirit vein is fine, and the demon world is fine too." No problem, I have to go back."

"This is your home, where are you going?" Dongfang Lan pressed the back of her hand and raised her eyebrows: "Stay with my parents for a while, we haven't been together for a long time. By the way, we still have I have good news to share with you!"

Dongfang Zi blinked and asked, "What good news? You won the lottery?"

"It's more than [-] times better than winning the lottery." Dongfang Lan smiled and frowned: "Your mother is pregnant, almost two months old."

Dongfang Zi: "..."! !

Dongfang Lan petted and chuckled, and asked back: "What? Are you crazy about happiness?"

"Fuck! Dad, you are not old!" Dongfang Zi laughed loudly: "I'm going to have a second brother! I'm going to be an older sister!"

The father and daughter hugged each other into a ball.

 Dear friends, I’ve lost my mind recently, and it’s less for the time being. I’ll try my best to get four chapters tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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