Chapter 223 Learning to Shoot

"Cheers!" Three glasses filled with orange juice clinked with a crisp sound.

Dongfang Zi smiled and stood up, clasped her fists and said, "Congratulations Dad! Congratulations Mama! You are going to be parents again!"

"Thank you." Dongfang Lan and Luo Fang's brows and eyes were full of happy smiles.

Dongfang Zi took a big sip of orange juice and asked with a smile, "Mom, how many months has it been now? Why doesn't her belly look big enough? When will my brother be born?"

Luo Fang looked at Dongfang Lan, then shook her head: "It's about two months now. Your father can't say exactly when you will be born. When I was pregnant with you, I thought you were born in October, but who would have thought that it would take a year to conceive you?" A lot. I guess it will take more than a year."

Whoever made her conceive was not a normal child, and the pregnancy and delivery periods were different from ordinary children.

Dongfang Zi said "Wow!", and said with a smile: "Maybe I will give birth to a little Nezha in the future. After the birth, I will be able to jump and jump, and I will call my sister immediately!"

Dongfang Lan laughed out loud.

Luo Fang gave her a funny look, and said softly, "I've been talking nonsense all day long."

The family is having breakfast in a cheerful atmosphere.

At this time, Lu Cong flew up and bowed respectfully: "Your Majesty, Wangfei, the people in the mining village in front started to make a fuss. Someone shot and killed someone. It got a little big, and several police cars came."

"Ah?" Dongfang Lan was a little surprised: "The law here does not allow guns, how could such a thing happen?"

Dongfang Zi put down the cup and quickly explained: "Someone has a gun inside, it seems to be a shotgun. Before the oriole flew out to steal food, it was almost killed by the shotgun. I quickly asked Lu Cong to take a few little demons to learn how to shoot. Fight directly with the Han family!"

"Rush?" Dongfang Lan raised her eyebrows.

Dongfang Zi said: "That's right, they have the spell to catch monsters specifically for us, so we have to have guns for mortals. They will take advantage of the characteristics of our demon race to catch monsters, so we can naturally find weapons that mortals are afraid of to hurt them."

Dongfang Lan rolled her eyes and said in a low voice, "Maybe... this might be a good way."

Dongfang Zi applauded: "Great! What happened in the mine village, the workers will definitely not be able to stay any longer. Ordinary people are superstitious, and the living are afraid to stay where there are dead people."

"What your Majesty said is true." Lu Cong explained: "There was a gunshot early in the morning, and several workers dialed their mobile phones to call the police. People were panic-stricken, and many people were very frightened. They went to the train station by car one after another."

"Good!" Dongfang Zi said happily: "The mine is closed, and the tea is cold, let's see how the Han family still covets our spiritual veins!"

At this time, there were several gunshots in the valley!
Dongfang Zi was taken aback, and couldn't help asking: "Didn't you ask you to practice guns with silencers? Who is practicing?"

Lu Cong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he hurriedly sent away via voice transmission, and then explained: "Your Majesty, it should be Lili. Since its gun wound healed, she asked me for a gun to practice how to fire."

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" Lily flew in happily, flapping her wings wildly, and said with a smile, "I can hit wherever I want! Even the little bee was hit by me! Lord Lu Say I'm a sharpshooter!"

Lu Congjun's face darkened slightly, and he said in a low voice, "You idiot, why don't you salute your majesties and princesses when you see them!"

Lili came to her senses after realizing it, and knelt down with a "plop".

"Your Majesty, Princess forgive me!"

Dongfang Zi gave up and asked with a smile, "Liuli, why do you suddenly want to learn how to shoot?"

(End of this chapter)

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