Chapter 238 Encounter Zhang Yong
Han Bo?

As soon as this name flashed across my mind, my whole body trembled again!
Dongfang Zi was panting slightly, and felt uncomfortable all over her body—but she couldn't tell exactly where she felt uncomfortable, it seemed that it was very difficult, and she seemed to be out of breath.

Does she know this person?
……I do not know!
Seeing that she was fine, Xiao Miaomiao shouted, "Dongfang, clean up the glass shards and go to the disinfection cabinet to find a new cup."

Dongfang Zi's mind went blank, after listening to her words, she squatted down to clean up the glass shards, but she was disturbed, and the tip of her index finger was stabbed!
"Huh?!" She came back to her senses and found blood dripping from her fingertips.

When Xiao Miaomiao saw it, she made a fuss and screamed, "Oh my God! Dongfang is bleeding!"

Other colleagues hurried over to help wipe the blood with paper towels and clean up the mess on the ground.

Dongfang Zi held her fingertips and said apologetically, "I'm sorry for the trouble, thank you!"

Xiao Miaomiao patted her pretty face, and said distressedly: "My poor oriental beauty was hurt! Oh my God! The wound is at least two centimeters! And there is so much blood! I will treat you to dinner at noon, treat you to eat Duck blood, replenish the blood."

Dongfang Zi shook her head, looking at the bloody hand, her mind finally returned.

"I'll buy a hemostatic tape and put it on. If Sister Chen asks, please tell her."

Xiao Miaomiao stood up and said, "I'll go with you, it looks serious. Sister Chen has always been very kind to us, just ask everyone to help."

Other colleagues responded quickly.

Downstairs, the two walked out the door.

Xiao Miaomiao was familiar with the surrounding terrain, pointed to the front and said: "There is a drug supermarket over there, there must be something to sell."

Dongfang Zi covered her hands and nodded repeatedly.

The stores in the city center are not big. Although they are called "supermarkets", they are actually only the size of two stores.

The clerk quickly took a large piece of hemostatic tape, and Xiao Miaomiao swiped the phone to pay and helped tear off the hemostatic tape.

At this time, an exclamation sounded!

"Miss Boss, why are you here?!"

The man's voice was a bit loud, and Dongfang Zi and Xiao Miaomiao looked over at the same time—a man in his 30s, with standard IT male attire and thin hair, was staring at Dongfang Zi in surprise.

He excitedly came over, swallowed his saliva and said excitedly: "I haven't seen you for more than a year! I didn't expect to meet you here! What a surprise! Just now I glanced from a distance, and I immediately guessed it was you! You are so tall! It is impossible for someone with good looks to look like you."

Dongfang Zi stared at him in a daze, feeling that the person in front of him was very familiar, and blurted out: "... Zhang Yong?"

"That's right!" Zhang Yong said with a smile: "Isn't it me? I can't help it, my hair is getting thinner every day, and my old classmates can't recognize me anymore. Ouch! What's wrong with your hand, Madam Boss? It's bleeding a lot Blood!"

Xiao Miaomiao on the side tore off the tape and explained: "I was stabbed by glass shards just now. Come on, Dongfang, lift your hand, and I'll stick it on for you first."

Zhang Yong shook his head and frowned: "It looks like the wound is very big. Ma'am, why don't you go to the hospital to have the wound stitched up!"

"...It's not serious, no need." Dongfang Zi couldn't remember how he met him for a while, his mind was clouded, and he was embarrassed to say, "Well... why are you here? Are you sick?"

Zhang Yong smiled wryly and sighed: "Boss suffered from stomach problems again this morning, and he is still in a meeting. I'll come out and buy some stomach medicine for him."

Dongfang Zi didn't know his boss, so he asked politely, "Do you work nearby?"

(End of this chapter)

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