Chapter 239 Consider compounding?

Zhang Yong smiled flatteringly, and pointed forward with his hand.

"I'm at the Science and Technology Building. The company moved to City Y at the end of last year and directly rented two floors in the Science and Technology Building. Most of the old employees of the company have become executives, and they have recruited about two hundred new people. My old Zhang was also lucky to get a vice president."

"Oh." Dongfang Zi nodded in confusion, unable to figure out which company he was talking about.

According to his age, maybe he should be her senior.

In the past, there were a lot of seniors majoring in IT in my hometown, and there were quite a few seniors when I joined the club. There were so many people and faces. She really couldn't figure out where she met him for a while.

Xiao Miaomiao's eyes lit up when he heard that he was an executive of the Science and Technology Building.

"What a coincidence! Dongfang and I work in the Information Building over there. We belong to the New Sprout Magazine."

Zhang Yong smiled in surprise, and asked, "Miss Boss, when did you come to City Y?"

Dongfang Zi felt that his name was very familiar, so she didn't bother to correct it, and explained with a smile: "I went back to my hometown after graduation, and then moved to several cities to find a job. It was not until the first three months that I settled down here."

Zhang Yong's eyes moved slightly, he looked at Xiao Miaomiao embarrassedly, and smiled.

"That...Ma'am, can I take a step to speak?"

Xiao Miaomiao was a fine person, and said with a smile, "Dongfang, your hand is fine, so I'll go back to the company first. You guys have a good chat, see you later."

Dongfang Zi nodded.

Zhang Yong pointed to the bench outside the store, and said, "Madam proprietress, let's go outside and have a chat."

"Okay." Dongfang Zi came out first and sat down.

Zhang Yong hurriedly sat across from him, quickly adjusted his mood, and solemnly whispered: "Madam Boss, our having a bad time. I are no longer together. Last summer, the boss desperately looked for you, come back Afterwards, he lost a lot of weight, his whole body was air-conditioned, and he worked hard every day like a bloody chicken. We didn't dare to ask, so we could only fight with him with all our strength."

Dongfang Zi stared at him suspiciously, tried hard to think about it, but found that he had no impression of the boss he was talking about.

Zhang Yong sighed, and said in a low voice: "For more than a year, the boss has lived and boarded in the company, and made new games every day. We were all aware of the purpose of this game at the beginning. He planned to use this game to tell you Marriage proposal. We can't figure it out, you are so close, how could you break up!"

Dongfang Zi: "..."? ?

Zhang Yong continued to sigh, shook his head and said: "No matter how you broke up, we knew that he would never get out when we saw the boss. Madam, it's not that I want to take care of things, I really can't stand it. Boss He is too bitter...too bitter. He works hard to torture himself, paralyzes himself, and looks at each of our subordinates with fear and distress."

My own boss is working so hard, even if their subordinates can't keep up, they are all tense and working hard, exhausting themselves, feeling sorry for themselves, and feeling sorry for the boss.

Zhang Yong raised his eyes and looked at Dongfang Zi, and whispered earnestly: "Madam boss, whether you have a boyfriend or not, even if you are married, I have the courage to say this. Now Huahua is so infatuated and affectionate like the boss. The man you see is really almost extinct, can you consider... getting back together with him?"

(End of this chapter)

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