Chapter 240
Dongfang Zi: "..."? ?

Zhang Yong looked at her with anticipation and grief, as if waiting for a gift.

Dongfang Zi swallowed secretly, and rolled her eyes suspiciously.

"That—would you recognize the wrong person?"

Zhang Yong was slightly stunned, unable to react for a moment.

Dongfang Zihehe, hehehe smiled apologetically, and said in a low voice, "To be honest, I think you are very familiar, and I can guess that you are Zhang Yong. But I have no idea what you are talking about. I don't know what kind of boss you are talking about. know."

Zhang Yong: "..."

Dongfang Zi stood up apologetically, and bowed slightly: "I'm sorry, maybe you misidentified the person. I may also misidentify. You should look like one of my seniors and brothers. I misunderstood for a moment."

"No! Ma'am, how can you do this!" Zhang Yong stopped in distress: "Although I have over 500 degrees of myopia, my glasses are not broken! Your appearance and voice are exactly the same, how could I admit my mistake! I also lost my hair , I got a little fatter, we used to see each other every day, but now we haven't seen each other for more than a year, why don't you recognize me!"

Dongfang Zi shrank her head, intuiting that this person... should be a scammer! !

right!First deliberately pretending to be familiar with her, and then when she suspected that she guessed the name, she immediately said that she was someone, and then made all kinds of befriending, all kinds of relationships, and finally put out the ultimate goal - to cheat money!
Dongfang Zi looked at the streets full of people coming and going, and felt a little more at ease.

"Don't come here! I don't know you at all!"

Zhang Yong said "Ah?!", remembering that he had a good chat just now, but when he persuaded her to get back with the boss, she immediately said that he didn't know him.

hehe!Once a woman changes her heart, her heart will be ruthless.

How cute and beautiful was that kind, carefree and slightly confused girl back then.

But she has changed, she is getting better with other men, even the boyfriends who were so good in the past, turn around and say that they don't know each other.

The smile on his face disappeared, his face sank, and his voice was filled with anger.

"You left the boss and turned around and went back to your hometown. The boss tried to contact you every day, but you didn't allow you to add any new numbers, which made him search for several places from thousands of miles away. That small supermarket met you! He even chased after the mine hidden in the deep mountains and old forests, and turned back to look for you halfway. The boss didn’t say anything, but we know you abandoned him cruelly! He saw you with other men , I would rather choose to believe in you, and I must find you!"

The more Zhang Yong spoke, the more excited he became, his eyes even turned slightly red.

"Boss, he is really suffering! There is nothing else but work and fitness every day! For more than a year, he has never had a smile on his face! I have known him for more than ten years. He works hard and has good ability. You are so good-looking, and you are so affectionate, the world can learn from you! But you cruelly abandoned him and made him suffer so much..."

Having said that, he choked up and sucked his nose.

"I'm sorry, I talked too much. You have your choice, you have your freedom. I shouldn't say what I shouldn't say. What I said just now is because I said too much. You don't have to worry about getting rid of the relationship. Everyone They all work nearby, and if they meet by chance in the future, they feel that they have known each other before, so if they want to say hello, then nod. If you are afraid that the past will bring you any trouble, then pretend you didn’t see it! You didn’t see it today either!”

After saying that, he turned and left angrily.

Dongfang Zi stood in the cold winter wind with a dazed and uncomfortable expression.

(End of this chapter)

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