Chapter 254 Intention
Holding the red wine, Xiao Miaomiao clicked his tongue twice.

"He's still a little bit sincere! This bottle costs four figures!"

When other colleagues saw the good wine, they all came over to drink it.

Dongfang Zi felt a little dizzy intuitively, and her face was abnormally red. Seeing everyone drinking happily, she was also happy to drink half a glass.

Everyone chatted and sang drunkenly, yelled loudly, and made a lot of noise with hip-hop.

Sister Chen looked at her phone and said, "It's past twelve o'clock, everyone should leave."

So, she booked a car for everyone, and everyone staggered out.

Dongfang Zi's footsteps were a little wobbly, but her consciousness was very clear. When the waiter said that Mr. Qin had already paid the bill, she curled her lips and followed everyone out without saying anything.

"Xiao Zi! I'll see you off." Boss Qin rushed out quickly, staring at her suspiciously.

Dongfang Zi shook her head and left.

Mr. Qin was not reconciled, so he followed him again, and said anxiously: "It's so late, it's not safe for you as a girl, I'd better take you back."

Dongfang Zi took out her mobile phone and quickly found an online car-hailing car.

"No, I already have a car. I live not far away, and I'll be there soon."

Mr. Qin's eyes flickered slightly, and he whispered: "Then I'll take you to the gate of the community."

"No need." Dongfang Zi refused again.

Mr. Qin turned around and went to the passenger seat, and explained to the driver: "She is my colleague. After drinking some wine, I feel relieved when I send her to her place."

Dongfang Zi got a little angry and drove her out of the car.

The driver started the car and moved forward, and said with a smile, "It's so late, it's safer to have a colleague escort me."

Dongfang Zi had no choice but to squint and look out the window.

For some reason, she always felt... there was something weird about her body, and she seemed to be eager to explode.

Fortunately, the car arrived quickly, and she got out of the car.

Mr. Qin also hurriedly got out of the car and followed her step by step.

Dongfang Zi staggered, but still found him, and started to drive him away, but he smiled and said that he would not be relieved until he sent her to the door of the apartment.

"No need!" Dongfang Zi frowned, shaking her body unconsciously.

Mr. Qin stepped forward and put his arms around her slender waist.

Dongfang Zi hurriedly pushed him away, but unexpectedly his hands and feet were weak from drinking, and he didn't have much strength, so he hugged him again, tugging and tugging.

"Boom!" A muffled voice sounded!
"Ouch!" Boss Qin was punched and fell to the ground.

Dongfang Zi looked at the person in a daze, and seeing his handsome and cold face, she was stunned and murmured: " you?"

Mr. Qin got up and asked angrily, "Who are you?! I'm her colleague! She was the one I fell in love with first!"

"I'm her boyfriend." Han Bo paused.

Mr. Qin was startled, and hurriedly got up and fled.

Dongfang Zi looked at the person who came, and felt that his face was very dark, whether it was because of the light or because he was angry.

She smiled lowly, and murmured confusedly: "Boyfriend...boyfriend..."

Han Bo stepped forward with a sullen face, seeing her flushed face and blurred eyes, he guessed that she was drunk, angry and helpless, leaned over and picked her up, and walked into the community.

The lights hadn't been turned on in her apartment tonight, and he assumed she had gone out.

Unexpectedly, she still didn't reply until he came back from overtime.

Seeing that it was getting closer, he was really worried and planned to come out to look for it.

Damn it!If he was one step late, she might be at a disadvantage!

Thinking of this, his face became even more ugly. He carried her into the elevator, helped her stand upright, and couldn't help saying a lesson: "You are a girl outside, how can you have no safety awareness at all!!"

Thinking of that scene just now, he was so angry!
I'll check that disgusting man tomorrow. She's drunk right now, so I have to settle her down first.

(End of this chapter)

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