Chapter 255 Doubt

Dongfang Zi intuitively felt that his head was in chaos, so he giggled, and took the initiative to put his arms around his neck.

"I think you... seem to be my boyfriend..."

After hearing this, Han Bo, who was full of annoyance, froze for a second, then quickly fell silent.

He is more than her boyfriend.

Han Bo sighed lightly.

The elevator door opened, and he helped her out of the elevator. He quickly determined the direction and found the small apartment where she lived.

Dongfang Zi took out the key and poked it indiscriminately.

Seeing this, he had no choice but to open the door for her, help her into the room, and turn on the light.

Dongfang Zi nestled in his arms, raised her neck and stared at him blankly.

"... This feeling... so familiar!"

Han Bo clenched his teeth, not daring to speak.

Dongfang Zi pouted and smiled, "I... think I know you. No, I seem to have fallen in love with you at first sight! I feel like I've known you for a long time..."

Han Bo couldn't bear it any longer, he slammed the door shut, leaned down and kissed her deeply.


Three days later, outside the high-speed rail station
Dongfang Zi was wearing a down jacket, wrapped in a long pink scarf, and came out with a calm expression, pulling her luggage.

"Your Majesty, Ah Zi!" Lu Cong hurried up to meet her.

Dongfang Zi looked at the handsome and shy boy he was familiar with, and smiled slowly.

"Lulu, you are more like a mortal."

Lu Cong shook his casual windbreaker, rubbed his jeans, and said in a low voice, "I bought them online, and the size is very suitable. Except for Lao Shen, other demons also love online shopping. Lao Shen turned into a sports car and waited outside We. Your Majesty, let's go."

Dongfang Zi nodded.


A few days later, Dongfang Lan took Luo Fang back to the valley.

Sensing their arrival, Lao Shen and Lu Cong hurriedly flew out to greet them.

Dongfang Lan laughed and said, "Don't tell baby! We're going to give her a big surprise!"

Lu Cong and Lao Shen looked at each other and smiled forcedly.

"Your Majesty... she is ill."

Dongfang Lan was taken aback, and hurriedly asked, "Why are you sick? What kind of illness? Is it serious?"

The old ginseng slowly shook his head and explained: "Your Majesty has been depressed since returning to the valley that day. She has a poor appetite and a bad mood. She hides in the tree hole and sleeps every day, and doesn't come out much."

Luo Fang supported her stomach, frowned and asked, "Is she sick?"

"No, it's a heart disease." Lu Cong explained in a low voice: "My minister gave His Majesty a pulse before, and there is no disease in her body. Your Majesty, she is in a bad mood, and she can't be happy no matter how we coax her."

"Husband, let's go and have a look."

"Yes, wife!"

Dongfang Zi raised her eyebrows and smiled when she saw them suddenly appear, and rushed over to hug them.

The family of three talked and laughed happily, and the atmosphere was very good.

Dongfang Lan was secretly relieved, and just about to turn around——

"Dad, I have something to ask you." Dongfang Zi hugged his arm and whispered, "Go to my room."

Dongfang Lan raised her eyebrows and smiled dotingly: "It's so mysterious! New Year's gift?"

Dongfang Zi shook her head, looking into his eyes seriously.

"Dad, have I forgotten something? I met a person... I have an intuition that I know him, and I should have a close relationship with him. Have you cast a spell on me?"

Dongfang Lan was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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