Chapter 257

At noon, Dongfang Zi and Luo Fang sat on both sides of the dining table, gobbling up roast chicken.

"Mom, eat slowly."

"You too, don't choke."

In less than 5 minutes, a big roast chicken was eaten up by the wind and clouds.

Dongfang Zi gnawed on the chicken feet, and said in a muffled voice, "Where did Dad and the others go? He's not here, and no one cooks for us."

In the past two days, Dad took Lu Cong out, and the two of them were forced to go hungry.

Fortunately, the courier service in the valley was as usual. After a day of hunger, I hurriedly bought some vacuum-packed roast chicken and salt-baked chicken online.

Put it in a microwave oven to heat, and the problem of food and clothing for the mother and daughter has finally been solved.

Luo Fang shook his head and replied: "I only know what book the old ginseng was looking up in the forbidden area. He flew out with Lu Cong. He was in a hurry and didn't say clearly. He only said that it should be a good thing. He didn't even explain clearly. flew away."

Dongfang Zi wiped her fingers, looked at her mother's protruding belly, and asked with a smile, "Mom, I'll heat up another chicken drumstick for you, do you want it?"

"No." Luo Fang replied lazily: "It's not as delicious as your father's cooking, so it's fine if you top it. There is no New Year's flavor in the valley. It will be Chinese New Year in two days, and the express delivery service has also stopped. Before your father I prepared a lot of fresh ingredients and hid them on my body, and when he comes back, let's have a big meal to celebrate the New Year."

"En." Dongfang Zi nodded.

Luo Fang asked, "Where are you going after the New Year?"

Dongfang Zi replied truthfully: "I plan to go to a big city in the south to find a job, and make money while having fun."

Knowing that she is used to ordinary people's life, Luo Fang agrees: "It's always a good thing to go out and get to know more people and see more places while you are young."

"Mom, you're still very young!" Dongfang Zi smiled and said, "When my younger brother is older, you and your father can continue their honeymoon for N times."

Luo Fang laughed lowly, and said in a low voice, "That's because your father doted on me, and hoped that he would spend more time with me before I was old. It is not easy for ordinary people to live to be over a hundred years old, and he has given me a lot of good things." He said that I can live to be hundreds of years old. With him, I am happy every day. Even if I am only a hundred years old, I will not waste this life, let alone a few hundred years old."

Dongfang Zi was very envious, and said: "It's just the so-called 'only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals'. Dad can have you as a company, and he also feels that life is meaningful."

Luo Fang didn't know what to think of, Wen Sheng: "When the weather is warmer in spring and the work is stable, find a man you like to fall in love with. Our family is not short of money. Your dad can send any amount of money you want at any time." Here you go. Find more fun while you're young."

The daughter is the flesh that fell from her body. She looks stern on the face, but loves her more than anyone else in her heart.

Ever since the incident with Han Bo, my daughter always had a hint of melancholy hidden between her brows and eyes, especially more recently. She, as a mother, is not ignorant of it.

"En." Dongfang Zi responded perfunctorily.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" came the old ginseng's ecstatic call from below.

Dongfang Zi turned around suspiciously, and saw the old ginseng's head poking out from the corner, and soon the whole person jumped out.

"Your Majesty! The old minister—the old minister wants to diagnose you with a spell!"

Dongfang Zi stretched out his wrist suspiciously, and asked, "What is the diagnosis? Am I not well?"

Shen Xi hurriedly moved forward excitedly, holding a gold-leaf sutra in the other hand, which looked very old in its dilapidated appearance.

After a long while, he blinked his sleepy little eyes, and turned to "Wow!" with a loud laugh!
Dongfang Zi and Luo Fang were taken aback, and asked amusedly, "What's wrong?"

Shen Xi said in surprise: "Your Majesty! are pregnant!"

ah? ! !
Dongfang Zi was dumbfounded!
(End of this chapter)

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