Chapter 258 The Finale
Late at night, it was cold and windy outside, and snowflakes were flying.

The tree hole is as warm as spring, and the soft luminous pearl light shines around.

Dongfang Zi caressed her flat belly, a blush appeared on her pretty face.

Unexpectedly, that night... she became pregnant.

"Your Majesty!" The old ginseng came out again holding the gold leaf scripture, and said with a smile: "I finally figured it out! The poisonous curse in your blood has completely disappeared! It's all a blessing brought about by your pregnancy! "

Dongfang Zi said "Ah?", unable to react for a while.

The old ginseng said excitedly: "Your Majesty Lan discovered the abnormality a few days ago, but we don't understand what's going on. His Majesty Lan took Lu Cong to the Han family in Yuancheng to investigate, but he didn't expect the reason to be on you! It turned out to be nothing else. The reason is not because of the Han family—no! It was you and Mr. Han’s child who allowed Han Xiao’s resentment to dissipate, and the curse was finally lifted! The curse that had plagued the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan for several generations finally disappeared! "

Dongfang Zi also had some understanding of the "poison curse", but she couldn't understand it for a while.

"When the resentment dissipates, the poisonous curse will be lifted by itself?"

"Yes!" The old ginseng explained: "Hanxiao originally had feelings for the ancestors of Dongfanghong, but he was hurt by the ancestors unexpectedly. When he was angry, he destroyed his soul, and he did not hesitate to use ten thousand years of martial arts to add grievances to the Nine-tailed Fox Clan. A poisonous curse was placed in the blood. The heavier the resentment of the two races, the sooner the poisonous curse would erupt, which caused misfortune to several former demon kings. The resentment has been going on for so many years, but it has not been able to dissipate, and the poisonous curse has been unable to be undone. The blood of the two races united This brand new little life may have soothed Han Xiao's grievances back then, and the puzzlement dissipated naturally, and the poisonous curse disappeared along with it."

Dongfang Zi also wanted to understand, and nodded slowly.

"...So, Han Bo is my former lover, and he is from the Han family."

The old officer thought about it, and quickly cast a spell to put away the cover of Dongfang Zi's memory.

"Your Majesty, the old minister is ashamed! But the matter has come to this point, there is no need to hide it from you. The year before last, Mr. Han asked me and His Majesty Lan to block your memory, because he was afraid that you would be too sad. He also has deep affection for you, Your Majesty. It's as deep as the sea!"

Dongfang Zi burst into tears and nodded instead.

"I know everything... I'll go find him tomorrow."

The next day, it snowed heavily all night, but the sun was shining brightly the next morning, shining brightly in the valley.

The demon people went out to have snowball fights early and made many big snowmen.

After Dongfang Zi got up, she hurriedly washed and changed into a down jacket, and was about to go out——

Frog Jing came to report in a hurry: "Your Majesty! His Majesty Lan and Lu Cong are back! Mr. Han is also here!"

Dongfang Zi was stunned, and hurried out of the tree hole.

Under the sun, in the white forest, the man stepped on snowflakes, galloped towards her, and smiled happily at her.

Dongfang Zihong eyes, rushed forward into his embrace.


A year later, Luo Fang gave birth to her youngest son, and Dongfang Lan was so happy that she kept shouting "Little Baby, Little Baby".

Dongfang Zi named his younger brother "Dongfangxin", which means a new future and a new beginning.

Later, she passed the throne to her younger brother, and the rainbow scepter was also given to him as a pendant.

"Dad likes to be a hands-off shopkeeper, and I will too! I learned this trick from you!"

Dongfang Lan Chongni nodded, and said softly, "As long as you are happy, anything is fine."

Han Bo at the side brought a plate of fruit and coaxed, "Don't stand for too long, eat some watermelon to quench your thirst."

Dongfang Zi caressed her swollen belly, gnawed on a watermelon and asked, "Dad, when will I be born?"

"I guess we have to wait another year." Dongfang Lan said.

Han Bo felt sorry for his wife's hard pregnancy, so he left the work to Zhang Yong and Liu Qing, and took her on holidays all over the world. They lived in one place for a month or two, and when they got tired of living, they changed places. Embryo nourishes the body.

Dongfang Lan squinted at Han Bo carefully helping his precious daughter to leave, and smiled happily.

Luo Fang on the side hugged her son and raised her eyes: "What's wrong? Don't let your father-in-law have a heart attack again!"

Dongfang Lan turned around, shook her head quickly, hugged her youngest son and explained with a smile: "We have another light bulb. Fortunately, Han Bo took over the big one, otherwise I would have to post a notice to invite relatives!"

Luo Fang smiled, and asked in a low voice, "How is the Han family going?"

When Han Bo married his daughter at first, the Han family only had a few younger generations as representatives, and obviously the elders disagreed.

Later, the elders sent congratulatory gifts and asked Han Bo to take Dongfang Zi back to the old house to pay homage to the ancestors, which was a good start for the reconciliation of the two families.

Dongfang Lan didn't care at all, shrugged and said: "That old guy Han Wu is already on crutches, what else can he do? I told him that before, it was the poisonous curse of fear that prevented the entire Han family from being wiped out. Now the poisonous curse is gone. Now, I can kill all of them with a flick of my sleeve. What else can he do?"

Luo Fang narrowed her eyes with a smile, and snuggled up to his side.

"It can't be better than this."


Half a year later, a new version of "Romantic Marriage" was released.

The Tengyun Group hypes up the new version, and Han Bo, the president of Handa, who has only remotely controlled the company for a long time and has not shown himself, is very rare to attend the press conference.

"This game was carefully designed for my beloved wife. We are about to welcome our first baby, and I would like to thank her for her continued support for me and my family. I hereby pledge that [-]% of the game's profits will be donated to Charity, prayers for my beloved wife and baby."

There was a warm applause from the audience.


 Dear friends, the short article is not long, and it is over today.Thank you for your continued support, Huihui!Orange will take a break for a while, and will open a new book after a while, so stay tuned.

(End of this chapter)

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