Chapter 26

Forehead? !

Dongfang Zi looked at the black and round mushroom essence, and felt nausea in his chest, so he quickly looked at Lu Cong beside him.

"Yesterday... the ones I ate were all... his meat?"

After speaking, she clutched her chest and retched again and again.

Mom!This feeling - it should be the disgusting feeling of fried hair like a person who accidentally ate a fat man's pork bun!

Lu Cong was startled, kicked the mushroom essence away, and jumped to her side.

"Your Majesty, no! You misunderstood! Those mushrooms are not him!"

Dongfang Zi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and let out a long breath, "That's good, that's good!"

The mushroom spirit got up and wiped his tears pitifully.

"Your Majesty, even if it's not me, they are my descendants. Your Majesty, if you eat them, it's no different from eating me."

Dongfang Zi covered her small mouth and retched again, feeling goosebumps all over her body, and instantly lost her appetite.

Damn!She will never dare to eat mushrooms again!

Lu Cong was so anxious that he yelled: "Mushroom monster, what nonsense are you talking about! Yesterday His Majesty ate freshly sprouted Ganoderma lucidum. As ugly as you and your children and grandchildren are, would His Majesty like it?"

Mushroom Jing lowered her head, and muttered aggrievedly: "Master Lu,'s pretty good-looking!"

Lu Cong: "..."

"Pfft!" Dongfang Zi was amused, and the nausea disappeared immediately.

The Mushroom Essence knelt forward and smiled flatteringly.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me... Your Majesty, straw mushrooms are the most beautiful and most beautiful mushrooms in the world, so please don't eat straw mushrooms, your Majesty, okay?"

Dongfang Zi laughed mischievously, and said: "If you are obedient and can do what I just said, then I won't eat you."

The mushroom spirit asked with a sneer: "Then... what if it can't be done?"

Dongfang Zi made a gesture of raising and lowering the knife, and replied: "Chop it up and make soup for you!"

"Ah!" The Mushroom Essence hugged his head in fright, nodded hastily, and said in a panic again: "I--be obedient! No soup--no drink!"

All the monsters laughed.

Dongfang Zi almost had a stomach ache from laughing, and managed to recover from it.

"The meeting is over! Lili, take me back to the tree hole first."

The ginseng on the ground jumped up and reminded with a smile: "Your Majesty, you monster people have thousands of words to report to you. Why don't you take this opportunity to listen to the voices of our monster people first!"

Dongfang Zi was disturbed by the mushroom essence, her hunger was gone, and she didn't want to eat anything at all.

"That's fine, anyway, I'm not hungry, let's listen to it first."

All the demon people suddenly became excited and raised their hands one after another.

"Your Majesty! I'll come first! I'm going to sue the vixen next door for stealing my rations!"

"I have something to say! Your Majesty! It's very important!"

"Your Majesty! The groundhog always bites my nest!"


All of a sudden, everyone was vying for each other, talking with each other, and their voices became louder and louder. Some even got excited and quarreled, and even fought violently.

Dongfang Zi was a little confused, and asked: "Second assistants, do the people of the Yaozu usually get along like this?"

Lu Cong smiled wryly and said in a low voice, "No... most of the time it's pretty good, but occasionally it's only when you get together for too long."

"No!" Shen Xi hurriedly explained: "It's usually like this in private. Because of this, I have to ask Your Majesty to settle these major disputes!"

In her position to seek her own government, Dongfang Zi nodded solemnly and beckoned.

"The one who raised his hand first, you come first."

The fat aunt in red with gold stripes supported the waist of the bucket, twisted her big buttocks, and knelt forward with difficulty.

"Your Majesty, I want to sue the frog spirit!"

Dongfang Zi asked curiously, "You are?"

"I'm a carp spirit." The fat aunt yelled angrily, "Frog spirit always pops the bubbles I vomit!"

Dongfang Zi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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