His Majesty the Demon King is an internet celebrity

Chapter 27 Repaying Gratitude and Bubbles

Chapter 27 Repaying Gratitude and Bubbles

Dongfang Zi had three big black lines on his forehead, which slowly moved across his pretty face.

"Assistant Can, this... is what you call a major 'dispute'?"

Shen Xi hurriedly nodded.

Lu Cong smiled wryly: "The dispute is not only big, it has been going on for many years."

Dongfang Zi: "..."

Even if someone else's majesty doesn't have earth-shaking power, he should still be able to guide the country, strategize and decide the affairs of the world.

But her new post, His Majesty the Demon King, has to deal with the bubble problem that is even more chicken-skinned than goosebumps!
Dongfang Zihehe, hehe laughed.

"Isn't it just a few bubbles? We are all the people of the demon clan, and we should live in harmony, unite and love each other. Where is the frog spirit? Next time, don't poke other people's bubbles. If you want to poke them, spit them out yourself."

"Your Majesty!" A man with a big mouth and big belly jumped out, knelt in front of Dongfang Zi, and wailed, "Your Majesty, I can't help it either! I...I can't help it!"

Dongfang Zi suppressed a smile, "Then you have to bear it!"

Shen Xie frowned and sighed and explained: "Your Majesty, their disputes are really big! The carp spirit loves to spit bubbles, and she has to spit bubbles to get by every day, but her neighbor, the frog spirit, always likes to pop her bubbles and eat them. They It has been fighting and fighting for hundreds of years, His Majesty Lan has been unable to mediate, they were still fighting yesterday."

"Oh?!" Dongfang Zi thought for a while, and the fox asked, "Don't all frogs eat ants and bugs? Why do they eat bubbles?"

Aunt Carp Essence stared at Frog Essence with her hips on her hips, and said rudely, "Because the bubbles I spit out are so beautiful and delicious!"

Dongfang Zi: "..."

Lu Cong explained in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the carp essence's bubbles are the combination of the essence and clear water in her body, and it is her main training method to practice through inhalation and exhalation."

It turned out to be the case.

Dongfang Zi looked at the frog essence and asked, "Why do you want to destroy the carp essence cultivation?"

The frog spirit answered aggrievedly: "Because I also want to practice, poking her bubbles and eating helps me cultivate the demon core in my body. But in return, I help her protect the law every time. I think if I didn't guard her at the beginning Next to her, she was eaten by Mrs. Xiong when she was still a little carp, so there is no chance for her to spit bubbles!"

"Oh." Dongfang Zi nodded, "So you still get something in return."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" The frog spirit nodded like a pestering garlic.

The participant on the side hastily added: "You can't be disturbed during the training period. If you have a partner to help protect the Dharma, it's the same as eating fish with a fishbone to pick your teeth. It's very useful when necessary."

This metaphor is absolutely perfect!

Dongfang Zi silently praised the assistant in her heart.

"That's two different things!" Aunt Carp Essence scolded: "You can't use this as an excuse every time! I wanted to repay you back then, obviously you didn't want it! Now you always stand in the way of my eyes but say you are protecting me! They are all excuses! "

"I don't want to repay you like that!" The frog spirit snorted coldly: "I'm going to poke your bubble!"

"Don't poke my bubble!" The carp spirit yelled, "You bastard! If you can't repay your kindness, you can't talk about anything!"

"I don't want your repayment, I want Bubble!"

"No repayment! No bubbles!"

"No! I just want bubbles!"


"Stop!" Seeing that they had already rolled up their sleeves to fight, Dongfang Zi hurriedly stopped them, and asked curiously, "When you saved her back then, she insisted on repaying her, but you didn't want to. Why?"

The frog spirit cried "Wow", and burst into tears: "She...she wants to make a promise with her body! I don't want it!"

Dongfang Zi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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