Chapter 56 Assigning Tasks
At the end of the class, Dongfang Zi sang the number nursery rhymes taught by the previous kindergarten teacher.

"[-] is like a thin and long branch; [-] is like a duckling floating on the water; [-] is like a small ear; [-] is like a small flag fluttering in the wind; [-] is like a coat hook hanging on the wall;

[-] is like a bean sprout smiling happily; [-] is like a sickle cutting wheat; [-] is like two small circles; [-] is like a small tail of a tadpole; [-] is like an egg plus a green onion. "

The monsters laughed and clapped their hands quickly.

"Your Majesty sings beautifully!"

"Your Majesty is amazing! He can even sing!"

Dongfang Zi was a little embarrassed, and explained: "Everyone sing this song, it will help everyone remember these numbers. By the way, I forgot to teach '[-]' just now, which means there is no."

Shen Xie giggled, "Your Majesty, if you don't have it, you don't need to teach it."

"No, '[-]' is also very important, and we must learn the same." Dongfang Zi carefully drew [-] and explained: "[-] is like an egg."

Lili muttered: "Your Majesty, your egg is crooked, probably a bad egg."

Dongfang Zi smiled awkwardly and explained: "My painting level is not high, but everyone should remember that [-] means 'no'. Okay, do you have any other questions? If not, let's stop here for today."

"Your Majesty! I have a question! What is a coat hook?"

"Your Majesty, what are bean sprouts?"

"Your Majesty, what is a sickle?"


Dongfang Zi: "..."

Therefore, the inexperienced new teacher quickly canceled the nursery rhymes, emphasizing on memorizing the writing of numbers.

In the end, the new teacher was dry and tired, and collapsed on the tree trunk.

"Okay, every monster has to write it ten times when I go back, and I'll check and ask questions tomorrow."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Dongfang Zi was weak: "Chacha, you stay."

The little sparrow flew forward obediently, while the other monsters turned their heads in twos and threes, each with terrified faces, whispering to each other.

"That little one is not serious, His Majesty wants to eat it!"

"That guy has so little meat! It's not tasty!"

"The point is that His Majesty wants to eat it! Where did you hear it?!"

"Who told him not to take class seriously! It deserves it! Does the sparrow stew taste good?"

Lu Cong shook his head helplessly, and said in a deep voice, "Stop talking nonsense! Your Majesty has a task for Cha Cha to do, not to eat it. Your Majesty is kind and pure, how could you wantonly kill demon life!"

All the demons suddenly realized, and left each other laughing and laughing.

Dongfang Zi told the little sparrow to take out the photo in the phone.

"You stay in the corner of the window and look at the numbers above. If someone presses them, you write down the order they pressed. Have you learned the numbers just now?"

"Yes, yes!" Chacha nodded like a pounding garlic.

Dongfang Zi patted it on the head, and said warmly: "Then go. Remember, write them down one by one in order. There is no work there at night, and you will come back when it gets dark. Be careful not to be discovered."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Chacha flew away.

At this time, Shen Xie was holding a big bamboo cup, and ran over with a smile: "Your Majesty, you have worked hard, drink some water to moisten your throat."

Dongfang Zi smiled and was about to take it—but Shen Xie took the cup back again, put his dark fingers into the cup, stirred vigorously a few times, and handed it over respectfully again.

Dongfang Zi: "..."

Seeing that she didn't pick up, Shen Xi quickly explained: "Your Majesty, Qingshui won't relieve fatigue, so I turned it into ginseng tea."

Dongfang Zi had three big black lines on his forehead, glanced at his wrinkled and black hands, with a look of lovelessness.

"...Thank you...but I'd rather drink plain water."

Shen Xi frowned aggrievedly, and also looked hopeless.

"Your Majesty, are you despising me as an old ginseng? Didn't you say that my hair is delicious last time? This taste will be better and more fragrant!"

Dongfang Zi was frightened: "..."

When did she eat his hair? !
Mom!His seemingly never-washed hair...delicious? !

A certain Majesty: "Ouch!!"

(End of this chapter)

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