His Majesty the Demon King is an internet celebrity

Chapter 57 So "Passionate"

Chapter 57 So "Passionate"

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

Several worried voices sounded one after another, and a ginseng, a deer and a bird all rushed over and supported her.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

Dongfang Zi felt goosebumps all over his body, looking at Shen Xie's hard and dirty gray hair.

"So... the thousand-year-old ginseng root I ate back then was your hair?"

Shen Xi quickly shook his head.

Dongfang Zi let out a long breath and completely relaxed.

Unexpectedly, Shen Xi added sincerely: "Your Majesty, it is not a thousand years, but ten thousand years. I have clearly told Your Majesty at that time that it is 840, six years and three months."

Dongfang Zi: "..."

So, His Majesty covered his mouth and retched again.

Shen Xie looked aggrieved, "Your Majesty, what are you doing? Do you despise the old minister for being too old? Your Majesty, the older you are, the better!"

Li Li giggled, and made up the knife at the right time: "Old Prime Minister, you are stupid! His Majesty just despises you as an old man."

Participating in being scolded by the silly bird: "..."

Lu Congjun blushed slightly, and explained in a gentle voice: "Your Majesty, ginseng root is an extremely rare thing, a spiritual thing in heaven and earth, and it is not easy to find. Of course, the older the ginseng, the more effective it is, the rarer it is."

Dongfang Zi frowned and smiled bitterly, "No...I just want to ask... that assistant, have you washed your hair?"

Forehead? !

Shen Xi stared in surprise, and replied: "Your Majesty, my hair is my roots, and the roots are stuck in the soil. Where do I need to wash them? It's like this every day. It's been like this for more than 1 years. That's it!"

Dongfang Zihehe, hehe laughed.

"After knowing the truth, how can I be willing to drink ginseng water or eat ginseng roots? I can't bear it! I can't bear it! From now on, I will only drink water. Your roots, beards, continue to come and go, and take root The ground under your feet, please don't sacrifice for me again."

After hearing this, Shen Xi burst into tears.

"Your Majesty, my dear Majesty! Old minister, I... am so moved!"

Dongfang Zi quickly stuffed the bamboo cup to Lili, and said in a low voice, "Change it to a glass of clean water. Remember, it must be pure natural, without any additives, 100% natural landscape."

Lili nodded hurriedly.

"Wait!" Shen Xi snatched the bamboo cup, and while continuing to cry loudly, he put the cup under his cheeks, dripping the tears into the cup.

Soon, he stopped crying, restored his smile instantly, and handed the bamboo cup to Dongfang Zi respectfully.

"Your Majesty, this is the purest and most authentic ginseng water, please use it slowly."

Dongfang Zi: "..."

Faced with such a situation where "graciousness" is hard to come by, with such a simple and loyal assistant, His Majesty the Demon King is very embarrassed.

"Lioli, hurry up! Help me pick up this cup of ginseng water and store it properly. How can you drink such a precious and rare thing in one gulp. Assistant ginseng, thank you! You are so caring (disgusting), I want to keep it Drink a little bit at night, slowly, or I will disappoint you for crying so hard, right?"

"Good, good!" Shen Xie nodded happily, and Le Diandian pulled out two hard black hairs the size of her index finger from her sleeves, and stuffed them to Dongfang Zi.

"Your Majesty, I got up in a hurry in the morning. I accidentally broke two hairs when I combed them. When you're free, eat them as snacks. It's a great remedy!"

Dongfang Zi smiled, and asked: "You still comb your hair? What kind of comb? Is it Zhu Bajie's big pig target?"

"What? Target?" Shen Xie replied, "No, they all use big tree branches to comb."

Dongfang Zi suppressed a smile, thanked her for taking it, and a faint strong smell of ginseng came to her nostrils.

Suddenly, a brilliant idea came to my mind!

(End of this chapter)

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