Chapter 58 Neuropathy

After a while, His Majesty the Demon King hurried back to the tree hole, searched for the toy night pearl, put together the ginseng root he had just received, and then took out his mobile phone to snap a picture.

After taking dozens of photos, she picked out the ones with the best composition and lighting.

She asked Lu Cong to take her back outside the mining village to steal the net, and posted the picture on the "Shopping Paradise" Weibo, carefully considering the words, and quickly typed two lines.

"Pearl of the night, as bright as daylight, with soft light, it is worth more than a dozen cities! If you are interested in buying it, please contact XXX, if you are the one, if you are not rich, if you are not super rich, please."

Ordinary people can't afford such a valuable thing at all, so it's better to remind them carefully.

Then, she uploaded the picture of ginseng root.

"The root of the ten-thousand-year-old ginseng is rare in the world, and the ginseng smell is strong and delicious. Smell it, you will be full of energy! Lick it, you will be ten thousand times more energetic! If you gnaw it, you will be ten years younger! If you are sick, cure the disease, if you are healthy, you will strengthen your body! One centimeter 1000 yuan, good products don’t bargain, you deserve it. The contact information is the same as above, if you are the one.”

After sending back, she collapsed exhausted on the big Chenxiang bed.

Being a teacher on the first day was a bit tiring, but I was in a great mood!

If this toy Ye Mingzhu is sold, she will definitely become a top rich man.

This ginseng root is also very good. If it sells for one and a half meters or something, then her living expenses for the next few years will be settled.

Dad is still avoiding himself now, and he doesn't know when it will appear. If there is no pocket money next month, and she has no other income, then she can only eat dirt.

People's ginseng can grow into ten thousand-year-old ginseng by eating soil, but she just vomits when she eats soil, so it's better not to.

It's always good to plan ahead and prepare in advance.

Waking up early in the morning, Dongfang Zi couldn't help yawning, smelling the faint and refreshing fragrance of agarwood, his mind unconsciously calmed down, sleepiness quickly rose, and he squinted his eyes and fell asleep.

At noon, Dongfang Zi woke up in a daze, took out her mobile phone to check the time, and found that it was already past twelve o'clock.

The Lili outside was extremely sensitive and flew in all at once.

"Your Majesty, you are awake!"

Dongfang Zi nodded, "Well, I just woke up."

Lili looked at her heart and smiled cheerfully, "It turns out that His Majesty is hungry. Don't worry, Lord Lu sent a little demon to bring some small ganoderma and fruits, and I'll bring them for you to eat."

After finishing speaking, she flew out with a "swoosh--".

Dongfang Zi laughed, and couldn't help muttering: "It's not bad to have a little bird who understands 'mind' as a maid!"

Although this is the only satisfactory time in a few days, something is better than nothing.

Dongfang Zi poured a glass of water to drink, washed her face, suddenly remembered the pictures she had posted on the Internet earlier, ignored her lunch, let Lili take her out, and took out her phone to open the previous Weibo.

I saw that there were more than 100 floors built below!

Wow!This speed is also enough!It is indeed the most well-known shopping paradise with the best traffic!

She glanced down excitedly——

"Didn't the blogger just escape from Qingshan Hospital? Are you crazy about money? Please don't shy away from medical treatment. If you are sick, you have to be treated!"

"If you are sick, I have medicine! I am an expert in the study of neurological disorders. The medicine I researched and invented has just passed the test of the drug regulatory department. Please contact XXXXX in time to take the medicine as soon as possible, and keep the medicine until the disease is cured."

"Damn! Get a child's toy beads and a few black plastic pipes to extort money! What kind of world is this? If you want money, rob a bank!"

"Does your mother know that you want money so much? My brother advises you, it's more practical to rob banks. Most people's IQ is still online. Wait for rich people with IQs below [-] to throw money at you!"


Dongfang Zi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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