Chapter 59
A dark cloud floated in the distance, and thunderstorms began to rain!
Lili, who was flying back, couldn't dodge in time, Dongfang Zi drenched her back into a drowned chicken, and she herself became a drowned bird.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" Lili asked worriedly.

Dongfang Zi, who was precarious in the wind and rain, shook her head sullenly, "It can't be worse."

Lili flapped her wings vigorously and shouted excitedly, "Your Majesty! Hold on! It's almost there! The tree hole is ahead!"

Dongfang Zi calmly wiped off the rain from her face, and comforted her: "Fly well, slow down. Anyway, the whole body is wet, so it doesn't matter how fast or slow."

Lili speeded up and cursed: "What the hell is this weather! It was sunny just now! Why did it rain so quickly? I hate heavy rain the most!"

After some hard work, one person and one bird finally flew back to the tree hole and landed safely.

Lili happily shook her wet wings, "Your Majesty, it's finally here. Look, it won't be wet anymore!"

Dongfang Zi looked at the rapidly decreasing raindrops outside the tree hole, the dark clouds dissipated very quickly, and the sky cleared up.

"Yeah, you won't get wet when you go out."

Then, she walked back into the room wearily, changed out of her wet clothes, and fell down on the big bed, not wanting to move.

It's the first time in my life to sell something online, and it hasn't arrived in an hour or two, so it's so yellow.

Lili brought wild fruits and respectfully called out: "Your Majesty, please have a meal."

Dongfang Zi sat up, took the thank you, and gnawed sullenly.

Lili looked at her heart, pouted and frowned and asked, "Your Majesty, are you unhappy?"

"En." Dongfang Zi nodded casually.

Stealing the Internet to post a Weibo, you have to fly out and come back again.

If you steal another net to read some news, you have to fly back and forth again.

It's nothing more than being splashed with cold water by so many people on the Internet, and being drenched in the cold rain in reality is really unlucky!

She glanced at the shriveled snack bag, eating sour and sweet wild fruits, thinking of the happy days of eating hamburgers, licking ice cream, and swiping her phone while blowing air, her heart... mixed feelings.

If she could be a little more heartless and heartless, turn around and walk away—how wonderful it would be!

Lili stared at her chest stupidly, and asked, "Your Majesty, what's wrong with your heart?"

Dongfang Zi sighed weakly: "I flew away early."

Lili exclaimed: "Wow! Your Majesty, don't you know how to fly! How does your heart fly?"

Dongfang Zi replied without raising his head, "Instinct."

Sha Niao became even more stupid when he heard it, and shook his head: "I don't understand!"

Dongfang Zi was amused by her, and said, "My people are still there."

"Your Majesty, you are a demon." Lili smirked and said, "You're wrong again."

Dongfang Zi was stunned for a moment, the movement of eating the fruit froze, his eyes were unfocused, and his thoughts had already flown.


After a while, Lu Cong and Shen Xi hurried to the tree hole.

"Your Majesty, if you are so anxious to call this humble minister over, is something wrong?"

Dongfang Zi let out a long breath, and said earnestly: "All the painful experiences in the past few days and the small belly that was forced to lose weight gave me a very deep and urgent intuition - we can't just go to class as simple as that, there is more Some practical action."

Lu Cong and Shen Xie looked at each other, unable to react for a while.

His Majesty suddenly looked so dignified, could something serious happen?
Shen Xi frowned and asked: "Your Majesty, what is weight loss?"

Dongfang Zi: "..."

After a while, she rested her forehead and sighed, "Assistant Can, please catch the main point of my words, okay?"

Shen Xi buried his head in shame, "Your Majesty, the old minister can't do it!"

Dongfang Zi: "..."

Lu Cong bowed gracefully and asked warmly, "Your Majesty, what 'practical action' do you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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