Chapter 61



A deer and a ginseng sat under the lush tree, sighing.

"The king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die. What's more, His Majesty doesn't want us to die at all, but wants us to live a better life. How can we refuse?"

"You can't refuse, so what should we do? Your Majesty can't cut off the power and internet. Do you have electricity and internet?"


Shen Xi curled his lips and said, "Didn't you accompany your Majesty to go to the mining village to steal nets? Now you go out with a few more big monsters, steal as many as there are, and get back whatever is left."

Lu Cong whispered in embarrassment: "I went to steal the net with your majesty... but I never looked at the net."

"Haven't seen it?" Shen Xi frowned and asked, "How did His Majesty do it? Do you remember?"

Lu Cong explained: "It was through that phone."

Shen Xi thought about it seriously, and said: "Then go to His Majesty and borrow that thing, and I will accompany you to the mining village to steal it."

"No!" Lord Lu, who has always been elegant and shy, blushed anxiously, and said anxiously: "The mobile phone can only be used if it has a network. The so-called 'network' is invisible and intangible. Your Majesty asked ordinary people about it." What password, then you can use it."

He couldn't read or understand, His Majesty said it was difficult to explain, and he was too embarrassed to ask too many questions.

Shen Xie rolled his eyes, and suggested: "Then... how about... arrest that mortal and cast a spell to make him tell His Majesty the password all the time, do you think it will work?"

"Of course not!" Lu Cong explained: "The Internet doesn't seem to be owned by that person. In the mining village, I saw many people with mobile phones, and they are all using them. The Internet seems to be everywhere, everywhere."

Shen Xi was dumbfounded, his eyes stared, "Then how do you steal this net!"



Lu Cong fell into memory and whispered: "His Majesty Lan once said that the electricity of mortals is the same object as the electricity of storms and thunderstorms. Ordinary people can do many things with it."

After hearing this, Shen Xi slowly raised his head to look at the sky, and asked in horror: "Mortal...haven't they been hacked to death?"

Lu Cong shook his head and explained: "Not only did it not work, but they also said that electricity is very useful. I remember that year when I went to the mortal world to look for His Majesty Lan, and His Majesty was playing with some mortal children. One of the children was studying - it is so convenient to have electricity. "Without electricity, it is inconvenient, and the benefits of electricity are endless."

Shen Xi was stunned when he heard that, "Ordinary people are not even afraid of thunder and lightning... they can still use it!"

"Yes." Lu Cong whispered: "And it happened decades ago. Your Majesty is right. Ordinary people also have many extraordinary things that we can learn from. Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. The demon world is always too closed. It's not good either."

"But we have been doing this for thousands of years." Shen Xi said weakly.

Lu Cong asked back: "It's always been like this, can't it be changed?"

Shen Xi was at a loss for words for a moment, he hesitated: "I... listen to Your Majesty."

"Of course I also listen to His Majesty." Lu Cong nodded.

The two looked at each other and fell into a deadlock again.

Your Majesty needs both internet and electricity, where can they get it? !



At this time, a shout came from the tree hole above: "Assistant Shen! Assistant Lu! I have found a solution!"

Shen Xie and Lu Cong stared in surprise, and instantly turned into two rays of light, "咻——" came to the tree hole.

I saw Dongfang Zi holding a milky white thing that was emitting white smoke and licking it. He threw the phone aside and greeted them enthusiastically.

"Come, come! I just asked Lili to take me to the small shop in the mining village to buy some popsicles. Let's have a try."

(End of this chapter)

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