Chapter 92 First Meeting
Dongfang Zi frowned exquisitely, and hurriedly typed another line.

After a long while, the almost identical text on the webpage made her completely confused.

"Tengyun Animation" is a subsidiary of Luyao Group, and the legal representative of the company is Han Bo! !

She turned page after page, but the words were all the same.

Not a coincidence, but really his company.

The company was founded by him with more than a dozen experts in the same profession. From a small office of more than 100 square meters to an independent office building, it has not been easy along the way.

Could it be bought by Lu Yaoda Group?is it possible?
When the two met for the first time, it was the most difficult time for him to start a business.

At that time, in her junior year, the class organized students to visit the museum, but the tourist bus broke down halfway, so everyone had to separate and take the bus back to school.

A roommate was a local, familiar with the roads in the suburbs of the city, and took them to eat and drink through the streets and alleys. They didn't rush to school until it was almost time for access control.

She remembered that the toothpaste in the dormitory was gone, so she said goodbye to her roommate temporarily and rushed to the small supermarket in front of the school.

Unexpectedly, while anxiously looking for toothpaste, he accidentally bumped into a tall man who was walking towards him!

She has been strong since she was a child, and she ran with even greater momentum. The man was bumped fiercely by her, and the hot instant noodles in his hand fell to the ground, and the ground was instantly messed up!

The supermarket staff cursed and came over with a broom and mop to clean up.

She was very sorry and said "I'm sorry" several times in a row.

The man was tall and strong, with a thin handsome face and a haggard paleness.

He said that this is his dinner and supper and tomorrow's breakfast, and it is all sent to the trash can now.

She hurriedly said: "I'll buy you a new bucket! The taste is exactly the same!"

She turned around to buy, but the supermarket staff was embarrassed to explain: "He wants seafood flavor, and he wants non-spicy ones. That's the last bucket in our store."

At that time, she was embarrassed and helpless, pointing to the ramen restaurant diagonally opposite the supermarket and said, "I... invite you to eat ramen, which is not spicy."

The man looked at her lightly, and nodded after a long while.

Then, he ate three bowls of beef noodles in a row.

She looked at him eating noodles with big gulps, and couldn't help asking: "How long has it been since you ate?"

He said in a muffled voice, "I only had breakfast today."

Her family was not very rich since she was a child, but her father never gave her more than a lot of pocket money, so she said boldly: "I treat you to a full meal! Would you like an extra bowl?"

The man Siri Mantiao picked up a piece of beef and ate it, then shook his head: "That's enough, thank you."

She paid the money, waved to him, and left in a hurry.

The man wiped the corners of his mouth, got up and walked in the other direction.

"Wait!" The supermarket worker ran towards him, holding a small red notebook in his hand, "Handsome guy, did you lose this student ID card? I saw it when I was mopping the floor."

The man glanced at it, shook his head lightly and walked away.

The supermarket staff opened the notebook and muttered, "So it's that beautiful woman from just now! She's from the History Department of T University. Even a passport photo without makeup is so pretty! Tsk tsk!"

The man paused in his steps, turned around and stretched out his big hand: "Just give it to me."

Three days later, she rushed out of the classroom after class, and saw a handsome young man who seemed to have known him standing outside the corridor, looking at her lightly, she didn't think of it for a moment, and hurried to the dining hall.

The man waved a student ID card and shouted, "Dongfang Zi! Come here!"

Thus, their fate began so simply.


"Junior Sister! Junior Sister!" A roar sounded, which startled her, and she came back to her senses.

(End of this chapter)

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