Chapter 93
Dongfang Zi came back to her senses, looking at the fat face that was close at hand.

"...Senior, what's wrong?"

Zhu Feitian rolled his eyes, and said, "I was just going to ask you what's wrong! I've been calling you for a long time, are you wandering? If I didn't work hard to perform the lion's roar, you are still swimming now."

Dongfang Zi smiled lowly, "I'm sorry, I was thinking about something just now."

Zhu Feitian licked the last piece of ice cream and asked curiously, "What are you thinking about?"

Dongfang Zi let out a "head", looked towards the entrance of the village and said, "I was wondering... whether we should go back after we have a full dinner. There is nothing but fruits and mushrooms in the valley."

"Food is the most important thing for the people, so you really need to think about such an important thing." Zhu Feitian laughed, "I can eat anything. Where did I buy those fried chickens for lunch? Three or four more for dinner." !"

Dongfang Zi: "..."

At this time, Lu Cong came back gracefully, and quietly sent her a sound transmission.

——Your Majesty, the collapsed place cannot be dug through, and those mortals are discussing to blow up the entire ridge.

Dongfang Zi was secretly angry, but pretended to be calm on the surface.

"Xiaolu, my senior and I are going to pick up the courier, please go and buy four more roast chickens."

Lu Cong nodded very obediently, turned around - but turned around again.

"Ah Zi, I may not have enough coins on me."

"Oh! That's right!" Dongfang Zi quickly took out his wallet and drew two 100 yuan notes for him, "These are all on your side."

"Yes." Lu Cong responded obediently.

While licking the ice cream, Zhu Feitian smiled ambiguously and said, "Brother Lu seems to listen to you very much! Junior sister, you are really good at taming 'men'! If you don't go to the old ones, don't come to the new ones, why don't you think about it?"

Dongfang Zi couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Senior, don't bully me. I won't stay here after the things here are finished."

"Where are you going?" Zhu Feitian asked, "Are you looking for a job or taking the postgraduate entrance examination? Continue to study at T University?"

"Let's have a look again." Dongfang Zi absent-mindedly whispered, "I don't have any plans yet."

I thought that the matter in the demon world should not be difficult to solve. Unexpectedly, there will be twists and turns, and the deeper the investigation, the more troublesome it seems.

Lu Yao Group has something to do with the monster hunters, and the ex-boyfriend Han Bo's company is a subsidiary of the Lu Yao Group, so could he also be involved with the monster hunters?

can you?is it possible?

Regardless of whether it matters or not, she will not change her original intention of protecting the demon world anyway.

Zhu Feitian had never been in a relationship, and his thoughts were not delicate, so he didn't notice that Dongfang Zijing beside him was frowning, with a look of worry on his face.

The two walked to the entrance of the village to pick up the courier, and then walked outside the village.

Zhu Feitian looked around and asked, "This village doesn't look very big. By the way, where is the mine?"

Dongfang Zi replied: "The mountains in front are all."

Zhu Feitian murmured and explained: "When I was waiting for you at that dilapidated little station, I heard someone say that the mine collapsed and temporarily stop working for a month. They also said that there is still a gold mine underneath, and that we will continue to dig. Junior sister, Are there really gold mines in the mountains?"

Dongfang Zi narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice, "I don't know, they are all big rocks, and I didn't see anything golden."

No matter what the mine was, they couldn't be allowed to continue digging anyway.

If you can't destroy it once, then you can destroy it twice or three times countless times. At worst, you will fight with them!

The demon people stayed in their own territory well, and they didn't go off to the mortal world to do anything wrong. Whatever they do to catch the demons, they must be exterminated!
It is the same principle to forgive others and forgive others.

If you are in a hurry, she, the new demon king, will not be polite!
(End of this chapter)

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