Chapter 94 Explosives
As the sun was setting, Dongfang Zi strode forward with a big cardboard box on her shoulders.

Zhu Feitian was panting tiredly while walking.

"Junior Sister, I'm really sorry... I should be the man who did such a rough job..."

Dongfang Zi laughed, her pretty face was radiant, "It's okay, just go on your own."

Zhu Feitian was sweating like a faucet, and his big trotters were striding very hard, swaying and swaying.

"Junior Sister...why haven't you reached the side of the mountain yet?"

Dongfang Zi walked like flying with the cardboard box on her shoulder, and replied, "Hurry up, hurry up and follow."

Zhu Feitian looked at her handsome and slender back, and then at the huge cardboard box on her shoulder, and couldn't help but smile bitterly for a while.

"No, I can't go on like this anymore! I want to lose weight!"

There is a handsome young man who can easily climb mountains with his back on his back, but he can't even climb.She is a skinny and beautiful woman, and walking on the mountain road with a few kilograms of boxes is as easy as walking.

He didn't carry anything on his back, and he didn't have to carry anything. He was as tired as if he had run a marathon just by walking less than a kilometer.

Will there be salvation if this continues?
no!He wants to lose weight!Be sure to lose weight!

Dongfang Zi didn't look back, and continued to move forward.

"Brother, when I first joined the fellowship association in my freshman year, you shouted every day to lose weight. When I was in my sophomore and junior year, you kept shouting every day. When I was in my senior year..."

"Why did I shout so much?" Zhu Feitian mumbled.

Dongfang Zi continued, "At that time you have graduated, I can't hear it, so naturally there are not so many."

Senior Zhu: "..."

At this time, there was the sound of brisk footsteps from behind, and Lu Cong was galloping, and in a blink of an eye, he came to them, stuffed a large bag of roast chicken into Zhu Feitian's arms, and hurriedly stepped forward to hug Dongfang Zi's carton in fear.

"Your Majesty... Ah Zi, you shouldn't do these tasks, I'll do it."

Letting His Majesty do such heavy work is undoubtedly the biggest dereliction of duty of his minister.

Dongfang Zi patted the dust off her hands, her expression slightly restrained.

"Lulu, where did you inquire about the news just now? Is it accurate?"

Lu Cong explained: "It was at the dormitory building in the mining village. More than one or two people said so. I went around and even sneaked into the bathhouse. Many people were discussing this matter."

Dongfang Zi frowned, stepped forward, and lowered his voice: "When will it explode? Is there a specific time?"

"No." Lu Cong said in a low voice, "It's just that the decision has been made, and some team leader has already applied to buy some explosives."

Dongfang Zi gritted his teeth, and said: "After you and Shen Xie have opened the hole tonight, come to my wooden house for a short meeting. Starting tomorrow, I will send a few little demons to guard the ridge. Once there is something If the wind blows and the grass stirs, report it immediately."

"Your Majesty, they want to blow up the mountain... Do you want that kind of powerful gunpowder?" Lu Cong asked nervously.

Dongfang Zi raised her eyebrows in surprise: "You know gunpowder? You saw it when you went to study in the mortal world?"

"No." Lu Congjun's face was dark, and he whispered: "At the beginning, the mining village was not so flat, and there was a small hill to the north. In order to build the mining village, they used some very violent things that would burn quickly. The hillside was blown up. His Majesty Lan told me that it was called explosives, also called 'gunpowder'."

Dongfang Zi nodded slowly.

Lu Congying frowned slightly, and explained: "At that time, the whole valley was shaken, and a few boulders slid from the top of the mountain, hurting the frogs in the stream, and crushing to death a few young fish that were just beginning to think."

"So serious?!" Dongfang Zi was surprised again.

(End of this chapter)

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