Leopard's Feud

Chapter 12 Jack is rescued

Chapter 12 Jack is rescued
The young female baboon Kemi came from the largest local baboon group in the past - the Keshi group, and was the eldest daughter of the leader Kathy's daughter Catherine.After Jared and Hall overthrew Kathy's violent rule that year, most of the Kathy ethnic group joined the Jared family, including Kathy's daughter Catherine.

More than ten years have passed, Catherine, who was ignorant back then, has grown into a group of children, and her eldest daughter, Kemi, is also five years old. She has inherited all the advantages of her mother Catherine, smart, clever and beautiful.

Although Catherine is bright, witty, and beautiful, she is the lowest-ranking female baboon because she is Kathy's daughter.And this humble status is also brought to its daughter, so Kemi is born as the lowest baby baboon, and grows up to be the lowest female baboon.

As a descendant of Kathy, the public enemy of the entire baboon population, Kemi is often isolated and bullied.But Kemi is kind by nature, and there are always friends like Ella who play with him in private.

Baboons are very family-minded and socially hierarchical animals.Although Ella's mother Angela is lame and disabled, because she is the daughter of the leader Jared and Queen Anita, she was born as a superior female baboon and can enjoy the best habitat and the best water source in the group. Enjoy the most favorable marriage rights - it became the wife of Deputy Chief Hall.Its daughter Ella is the daughter of the baboon princess Angela and the deputy leader Hall, and is naturally a superior female baboon.

Ella is now pregnant and will be a mother in six months.Although Kemi is older than Ella, none of the male baboons has paid any attention to Kemi.

While the baboons were not at the river at noon, Kemi searched for bird eggs by the river alone, trying to supplement some nutrition for the pregnant Ella.It had to do it stealthily, and it wasn't even entitled to approach Ella in plain sight.

In a baboon population, the fate of an inferior baboon is rather bleak.

Jack often wanders alone by the big river where he rescued the little baboon last time. He also wants to see Cammy and Ella again.In any case, they were the only ones of their kind Jack knew so far.

But three months have passed, and Jack has never seen Kemi and Ella, but he has seen his half-sister of the same age, Jared's youngest daughter Yetta.Of course, Jack didn't know the blood relationship between it and Yeta.Since he had never dealt with these baboons, Jack just watched Yeta and his companions from a distance.

Yetagui is the baboon princess, and she is always accompanied by a large group of young baboons, who often prey on small animals by the river.On this day, Yeta had a whim and led everyone to dig out the water turtle's hole by the river.Unexpectedly, the reckless Yeta was bitten by a water turtle, and the bloody smell spread along the river, attracting crocodiles.A young crocodile bites Yeta's tail, trying to drag Yeta into the water for his own lunch.

The baboons were instinctively afraid of the crocodiles in the river, and the young baboons climbed up the big trees on the river bank in a panic.Although the companions wanted to rescue Yeta, none of them had the courage.The companions tore off branches and leaves and threw them at the crocodile from a distance, hoping to scare the crocodile away.

However, the crocodile did not mean to let go.The crocodile is covered with a layer of solid scales, and the branches hitting the crocodile are like tickling it.But Yeta had already been bruised and swollen by its stupid companions, and kept calling and wailing.

Jack, who was looking for wild fruits by the river bank, rushed over when he heard the cry for help.Its rich experience in wild survival makes it know that the whole body of a crocodile is like armor, and the weakest part is in its mouth full of fangs.With all his strength, Jack picked up a thick tree trunk, rushed to the river, stuck it into the crocodile's mouth, and pried it back and forth.Due to the pain, the crocodile finally opened its mouth a little wider, and Yeta took the opportunity to pull out the bitten tail and escape from the crocodile's mouth.

Yeta looked at Jack gratefully, the wayward baboon princess showing gratitude for the first time.

A few days later, Jack suddenly felt thirsty, hot and cold, and weak. He was sick, probably infected with malaria.On the African continent, malaria is a horribly deadly disease.

In any case, it must go to the river to drink water.After drinking the water, Jack no longer had the strength to walk back to the tree where he was temporarily perched, so he lay down by the river.At noon, the sun on the African savannah blazed directly at the earth, scorching Jack's whole body very hot.

Cammy was chasing a lizard, didn't notice her footing, and tripped.Kemi was covered in cold sweat from fright, and ran a long way before he dared to look back to see what tripped him up just now.

When Kemi found out that it was a male baboon, he couldn't help being a little shy and nervous.But it watched for a long time, but did not see any movement from the male baboon.So, Kemi bravely came back again, trying to see what happened to the male baboon.When Kemi approached, he found that it was the young male baboon who had rescued him——Jack.

Jack fell unconscious by the river, hot and muddy.Cammy wanted to drag Jack to the shade of a tree, but he tried several times but couldn't.There was no other way, so Cammy had no choice but to pluck big leaves from the trees by the river, and use the big leaves to hold the river water and pour it on Jack's face to cool down Jack, but Jack still didn't wake up.

Kemi knows that there is a spring not far from here, with cool and sweet spring water flowing all year round, which has the most thirst-quenching effect.Cammy ran to the spring and brought the spring water with leaves to quench Jack's thirst.Reluctantly, due to the bumps when walking, there were only a few water droplets left on the blades, and Kemi let the water droplets slide to Jack's lips.Touching the cool and sweet drops of water, Jack's thirsty lips moved, sucking eagerly.So, Cammy ran to the spring and sucked up enough spring water, and fed it to Jack mouth to mouth, just like when he was sick when he was a child, his mother took the spring water and fed it to him.

In a daze, Jack seemed to see his biological mother, holding her tightly in her arms with gentle hands, and feeding her sweet spring water mouth to mouth.This was something Jack had never experienced before. He dared not open his eyes for fear that he would never see his mother again.

Cammy put Jack down and covered Jack with dense branches and leaves, leaving only the nostrils for Jack to breathe, so as to prevent Jack from being attacked by predators in a coma.Cammy has to go back to Ella's mom, Angela, to find a solution.Angela is Jared's favorite daughter and the wife of the deputy leader Hall.Cammy knew that only Angela could save Jack, and only Angela could convince Jared, the baboon leader, to let Jack recuperate in their colony's territory.

(End of this chapter)

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