Leopard's Feud

Chapter 13 Becoming a Father

Chapter 13 Becoming a Father
Angela couldn't save Jack either.

Because Angela understands that in the world of baboons, no group will take in a foreign male baboon who is close to adulthood.That is tantamount to placing a bomb beside the leader, which may detonate at any time and blow up the position of the baboon leader.

What is a alpha male baboon - he is the supreme leader of the pack, the highest in the pack.When it perches in a tree, it has the most comfortable nest; when it eats, it enjoys the best food; when it comes to mating, it has the priority and has more opportunities to reproduce.

Although Angela's father, Jared, is highly respected and broad-minded, he is not generous enough to take in a young foreign male baboon who is more than three years old. Drive away mercilessly.Besides, in the past few years, my father has been devastated by his eldest son Jeff, and he is very worried about taking the throne.As for her husband Hall, there is no need to discuss it, he is a proud and arrogant guy.Just because Hall was the first to follow his father and was in the position of deputy leader, he took credit for his pride and relied on the old to sell the old.In the ethnic group, except for his father Jared, Hall never puts anyone in his eyes.

However, Jack rescued Ella, Cammy, and pulled his little daughter Dora back from death.How could Angela abandon Jack who was seriously ill?

Had his youngest brother been alive, he would have been as old as the juvenile male.Alas, it's a pity that its poor brother and mother Anita died tragically under the minions of the leopard, and not even a trace of his brother's remains were found.Probably because its younger brother was swallowed whole by the leopard at that time.

Suddenly, Angela had an idea and had an idea.It called Ella, Dora, and Kemi and sneaked out of the group.They settled Jack secretly in their old home - on the ebony tree.Since the Jared baboon family occupied the baobab tree, because the ebony tree they originally lived in was far from the center of the baobab territory, the tree had been left unused, and not many baboons visited it.

Now, it was time for the fruit to ripen on the ebony tree, at least Jack would not be hungry.Besides, the leaves of the ebony tree itself can cure diseases, and there is a small lake under the tree.This is also worthy of Jack who is kind to them.

Every day after dusk and before dark, Cammy would come to see Jack and bring him healing herbs, sweet nuts, and sometimes delicious rabbit meat.Three months later, Jack recovered from his serious illness and returned to his former appearance, even stronger and more masculine.Also, Cammy is pregnant and Jack is going to be a father.

After six months of pregnancy, Kemi miraculously gave birth to two baby baboons, a male and a female. The son is Jessie and the daughter is Jessica.Twin births are extremely rare, completely exceptional, and have never occurred in the entire Jared baboon population.

Kemi is a happy mother with two baby baboons in her arms.But even though it is busy from morning to night, the milk is still not enough to feed the two young baboons.Kemi is a lowly female baboon, only the furthest and worst foraging places belong to her.Although Jack always secretly gave him something to eat, even a nutritious little impala.However, the life of hunger and full meals still cannot allow Kemi, the mother of twin baby baboons, to ensure sufficient milk.

Jack has repeatedly persuaded Kemi to leave the Jared baboon colony and let them open up new territories by themselves.However, looking at Jack's immature shoulders, Cammy still refused.Jack was still too young, just an adult, and he didn't want to add too much burden to Jack's life.Moreover, all resource-rich places have been occupied by powerful baboon populations, and it is no easy task to open up a new territory.Besides, raising children is originally the responsibility of female baboons, and their ancestors have come here for generations.

(End of this chapter)

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