The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1060 Killing Giants in Seconds

Chapter 1060 Killing Giants in Seconds (1)
Chapter 19
The flying javelins tore through the air and made a loud sound of breaking the wind. The fighters of Heimuya have undergone special strength training, and their explosive power is very strong. With the bonus of fighting spirit, the wooden javelins they throw have the power to Very strong lethality.

The gray dwarves also rely on their strength for food. The sledgehammers they wield can easily knock the javelins into the air. However, due to the size of the passageway, there are less than two hundred gray dwarves rushing out each time, so each gray dwarf fights All have to face as many as four or five javelins.

The javelins of the cannon fodder slave fighters are not very threatening, but the rest of the javelins contain a huge impact. Even if most gray dwarf fighters can smash all the javelins, they will inevitably fall down the boulder, and then they will be crushed by the iron water chestnut. Stabbed blood all over the ground.Some gray dwarf fighters were even nailed to the ground by javelins.

Only a small number of gray dwarf fighters could still stay on the big rock, but their figures clearly appeared in everyone's sight.

Li Feng's conjecture was verified. Once the movements were too large, the invisibility of the gray dwarves would be broken. The moment they swung their war hammers, their figures had already appeared dimly.

Moreover, the gray dwarf's invisibility seems to have a cooling time, because the gray dwarf warrior who was still able to stand on the boulder did not enter the invisible again.

Without waiting for Li Feng's order, everyone in Heimuya threw their javelins again. This cheap weapon was only prepared after they came to the village of Heiyan dwarves, but it was easy to make, and within half a night, everyone around them could at least Dozens of sharpened javelins were piled up.

The battle here is going on fiercely, and the entrance of the mine is not smooth sailing. The fire has been extinguished, and many gray dwarves rushed out of the mine. Fortunately, Li Feng had expected that the giant dragon blocked the entrance of the cave, spouting a breath from time to time. Burning to a depth of tens of meters in the hollow, the gray dwarf warrior's magic resistance is good, but under the power of the dragon's breath, he will still be burned into a ball of coke.

The giant dragon can be said to be one man guarding the gate and ten thousand men not opening it, so the gray dwarves can only shift the direction of attack, and the tunnel entrance just dug out has become the main position.

The dwarf warriors who rushed out this time didn't do so many tricks anymore, they directly hit the ground with a sledgehammer, even if there were iron water chestnuts, under the tyrannical strength of the gray dwarf warriors, they had to become discus.

But what was even more tragic was that before everyone in Heimuya even threw their javelins, the gray dwarf warriors who had just rushed out started crying.

The gray dwarf fighters forgot something, or they didn't know how powerful it was at all.You must know that the ground is covered with a thick layer of chalk powder. What is chalk powder?Chalk powder is the necessary equipment for rogues to fight - quicklime powder.

As soon as the gray dwarf warrior hammered down, the chalk powder immediately flew up. With the height of the dwarf, and the fact that he had to bow his waist when he hammered the ground, how could he not be hit?
What does it feel like to get quicklime in your eyes?Looking at the miserable condition of the gray dwarf warriors at this time, one can know that the intense burning pain in the eyes made the gray dwarf warriors even drop the war hammer in their hands, screaming and rubbing their eyes vigorously.

(End of this chapter)

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