The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1061 Killing Giants in Seconds

Chapter 1061 Killing Giants in Seconds (2)
But the more you knead, the worse things will be. Quicklime needs to be stirred to release heat, and rubbing your eyes can only make quicklime work faster.

The gray dwarf warriors must have not looked at the almanac when they went out today. They were really unlucky. Three waves of gray dwarf warriors rushed out one after another. As a result, they even touched a hair of everyone in Heimuya, and they were wiped out.

Everyone in Heimuya would not make it easy for the gray dwarf warriors. Seeing the gray dwarf warriors suffer, although they hadn't figured out what was going on, the javelins in their hands were thrown out fiercely at the first time.

There is no chemistry subject in Titan Continent, and those who can play with things like chalk are all alchemists. Not only the gray dwarves are puzzled, but everyone in Heimuya still has a bit of bewilderment on their faces after throwing their javelins.

Although the entrance of the passage is tens of meters wide, in fact, the passage dug out behind does not have that much space, so the gray dwarves are not too fast to replenish their troops. Immediately wonderful to the extreme.

Of course, because these gray dwarf fighters are all invisible, only Li Feng can appreciate their astonished expressions.

Li Feng felt that the matter was really strange. The chalk powder was originally used to break the invisibility of the gray dwarves. He didn't expect that it didn't have the original effect, but it was crooked and it had an unexpected miraculous effect.

There were three successive waves of gray dwarf fighters, more than 500 people, all lying in a pool of blood, and some fighters who were still breathing could not stop screaming hoarsely.The fallen dwarves are not undead, their blood is still red, and the scarlet blood flowing on the snow-white chalk powder is particularly shocking.

However, Blackwood Cliff's good luck had come to an end, and the gray dwarves no longer tried to take advantage of it. They used a very simple method to clear away the obstacles to progress.Countless stones were thrown from the entrance of the passage, like a rain of stones, which not only buried the corpses of the compatriots, but also paved a blood-stained road.

The gray dwarf warriors no longer concealed their whereabouts, they rushed out without even being invisible.

After the people in Heimuya threw two rounds of javelins to stop the enemy, they did not rush forward, because the army of monsters began to appear.

The gray dwarf's hammer was too heavy, so Li Feng didn't let all the monsters show their melee combat ability, but started a gorgeous magic show first.

Although nearly a thousand monsters have not been domesticated or put on saddles and cannot cooperate with the knights to fight, they can obey Li Feng's command and release their powerful innate magic.

With the help of the lightning eyes, even if there are gray dwarf fighters who are stealthy and ready to attack, Li Feng can still see their figures clearly, and every spell of the monster can exert the maximum lethality.

The only regret is that although the griffins are extremely ferocious, they are not monsters and do not have the ability to release magic. Fortunately, their strong bodies can guarantee that even if they are hit by the huge hammer of the gray dwarf warrior, they will not be instantly killed , so Li Feng allowed the griffins to use their sharp claws to show their majesty as the overlord of the blue sky.

(End of this chapter)

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