The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1062 Killing Giants in Seconds

Chapter 1062 Killing Giants in Seconds (3)
Golden Winged Tigers are also monsters with super melee capabilities. Not only can they fight like a griffin, but they can also release powerful sonic magic.

Griffins and Golden Winged Tigers have very similar fighting methods. They both like to dive down from high altitude, tear the enemy's chest with their sharp claws, or grab the enemy directly, bring the enemy up into the sky, and then throw them down suddenly to die enemy.

Except for the Griffon and the Golden Winged Tiger, the rest of the Warcraft mounts are not considered powerful combatants. They may be able to handle the gray dwarf warriors in a single fight, but they are more likely to be hit by the gray dwarf warriors. Mounts are very precious, so Li Feng did not let these monsters take risks.

Unicorns don't have a good impression of the fallen race, and they are also providing magic support at this time, but Harriet gave up after releasing a few paralyzing lightning chains.Gray dwarves are immune to any paralyzing magic, and the electric shock damage that paralyzes the chain lightning, also because of the super high magic resistance of gray dwarves, can't play much role.

The elegant unicorn didn't show its powerful hand-to-hand combat ability because Nana was sitting on its back and a little naughty moonlight was beside it.

The time for hand-to-hand combat has finally come. The dark passageway is like the mouth of an ancient monster, and the gray dwarf warriors are gushing out of it like a tide. The magic resistance of the gray dwarf fighters is too high, and the magic damage of the first-level monsters is not enough. To make the gray dwarf fighters lose their combat effectiveness, only middle-level magic can deal a fatal blow to them. More and more dwarves are pouring out, and the army of monsters will soon be unable to contain the charge of the gray dwarf fighters.

"Kill..." The cannon fodder slave soldier was the first to meet the gray dwarf warrior.

The slave soldiers screamed excitedly. After learning about Heimuya's benefits, they were all extremely eager to become regulars and hoped to officially join Heimuya. Now is the time for them to perform.

It's a pity that the gray dwarf fighters gave them a blow in the head very quickly.

The stronger body and greater strength than the surface dwarves, coupled with the ferocious big hammer, made the fighting power of the gray dwarves extremely exaggerated. Dozens of cannon fodder slave soldiers fell down just by meeting each other.

Due to the height of the gray dwarf warriors, their hammers basically hit the slave soldiers' thighs and waists. The slave soldiers were not fatal, but if nothing happened, they would become lifelong customers of the wheelchair workshop.

Li Feng was secretly shocked, thinking that maybe the braided beard under the gray dwarf warrior's chin didn't have much moisture.These gray dwarf warriors with three braided beards, even if they don't have the exaggerated combat power of Chief Taiklin, can at least compare to the two braided bearded dwarf warriors on the surface.

The will of the gray dwarves is like pouring steel. They are the most disciplined warriors. They are fearless and ruthless. They seem to be born for fighting. With the fiercest blow.

Facing such an enemy is simply a nightmare, and Li Feng couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart.

The fighting power of the cannon fodder slave soldiers was really unspeakable, and they lay down by a third in the blink of an eye. If they hadn't been fired in time, these cannon fodder slave soldiers would have already collapsed and fled for their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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