The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1104 Tracking and Killing

Chapter 1104 Tracking and Killing (9)
The person who led the way became the little thief Helen. She could always judge the barbarian's whereabouts from the clues. Although Li Feng didn't ask any questions, he also learned a lot of tracking skills with his keen observation skills.

In the process of chasing and killing, Li Feng never made a move. Under such circumstances, his efficiency in killing the enemy was not much higher.Moreover, he is also the master of a village after all, so it seems that he is too unprofessional to attack cats and dogs casually.Li Feng's superficial vanity does not allow him to be so tasteless.

The giant dragon didn't spit out its breath wantonly. Although the dragon's breath is like saliva, it doesn't take much effort, but even if it spits, it can't continue endlessly. What's more, everyone is in the territory of Atlantis now. You have to keep some hole cards.

The barbarians, who were originally regarded as tigers and snakes, did not pose much threat to the people in Heimuya. They chased and killed them all the way, and encountered almost no decent resistance.

It's not that the barbarians don't have long-range attacks, and there are also a few barbarians who can use bows and arrows, but these few archers were eliminated by Nana one by one in the first time.

In fact, even if the barbarian archers were allowed to shoot at will, it might not be able to cause any damage to the Heimuya warriors.The barbarians who don't know how to forge technology, all the feather arrows they use are just sharpened wooden poles. Even if they are coated with the barbarian's special poison, the defenses that cannot pierce monsters are useless.

However, the barbarians were able to roam freely in the human empire, and it was not without support. After all the easy and freehand killings, Heimuya finally encountered a difficult bone.

This is a group of more than 3000 barbarians. Although the number is not exaggerated, the important thing is that these barbarians seem to be from the same tribe, which can be seen from the strange totem tattoos on their bodies. .

This super-large barbarian tribe has two barbarian shamans.Shaman priests are equivalent to magicians among barbarians. They can borrow the power of nature to bless barbarians with various buff auras.

Because of the lack of understanding of the barbarians and the fact that the two shamans were heavily protected, the first round of throwing guns did not take care of them, giving the two shamans time to cast their spells.

A red light flashed, and all the savages on the ground suddenly underwent astonishing changes. The already well-developed muscles, like fermented bread, bulged outward in pieces, looking full of explosive power.The height also rose from the original two meters to nearly three meters.

The barbarian's eyeballs seemed to be congested with blood, and a bloodthirsty light shone in the barbarian's eyes.

The red light was followed by a green light, and the barbarian's body was immediately shrouded in a hazy green halo. With his burly figure and knotted muscles, he looked like a Hulk who had just completed his transformation.

The barbarian's jumping ability is already very good, and he can easily jump to a height of more than ten meters. Now after transforming into a Hulk, his jumping ability is even more exaggerated. Most of the barbarians can reach a height of four to fifty meters in one jump, even Some high-level barbarian fighters can jump over 50 meters at once.

(End of this chapter)

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