The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1105 Tracking and Killing

Chapter 1105 Tracking and Killing (10)
Everyone was at an altitude of [-] meters at this time. Fortunately, because they encountered barbarian archers last time, they were almost overwhelmed. They did not lower their altitude recklessly at this time, otherwise they would face more barbarians who jumped into the sky. people.

But there are as many as four or five hundred barbarians who can jump to a height of [-] meters. They waved maces and smashed their heads at the monsters hovering in the air.

Caught off guard, everyone didn't react a bit, until the barbarian was close in front of them, they hurriedly drew their swords to help the monster mount block the barbarian's mace.

The savage can jump up to a height of [-] meters, and the jumping ability can be imagined to be abnormal. Even if the strength of the arms is much weaker than that of the legs, it must be amazing.

Fortunately, everyone has already advanced to the sword master level, and their strength is no small matter. Even if it is weaker than the barbarian's brute force, at least some of the strength can be eliminated. The remaining strength hits the mount of the monster. Can live.

In terms of combat talent and ferocity, the Griffin ranks first. Even the high-level monster Golden Winged Tiger is a little dazed in this situation, but the Griffin reacts immediately.The ferocious claws grabbed the barbarian's mace, but the sharp beak pecked at the barbarian's head.

Although the barbarian was powerful, the weapon in his hand was weak, and was easily grabbed by the griffin, and at the same time, the sharp beak of the griffin also pecked at the top of the barbarian's head.

What is surprising is that after the barbarian transformed, his defensive power became terrifying. With the powerful attack power of the sharp beak of the griffin, he didn't even peck through the barbarian's head, but only slightly. A small cut, such a wound is not enough to kill the savages, just let them fall headlong.

Falling from a height of [-] meters, even with the tyrannical physique of a giant dragon, he would still be in a daze, maybe he would die, but the transformed barbarian is fine, swaying The head stood up.

The giant dragon didn't care about retaining its strength, and breathed out scorching dragon breath immediately.But the dragon's breath, which was originally invincible, also lost its prestige at this time. The green halo on the barbarian's body not only has strong physical defense power, but also seems to be completely immune to pure magic damage such as dragon's breath. Only the mount under the barbarian's seat Roasted into coke by the dragon's breath.

In the first round of the fight, although Heimuya had no casualties, he was taken aback. After the blessing of the halo, the combat power of the barbarians was more than tenfold, and the most terrible thing was their amazing defense.

Not even the sharp beak of a griffin could pierce a barbarian's head, and it is conceivable that a javelin would have no effect.

After dealing with the first round of attacks by the barbarians, everyone immediately raised their altitude.If the warriors hadn't been promoted today, their strength was not what it used to be, and the physique of the monster mounts under them were strong enough, there would definitely be a lot of casualties in such a sudden situation.

As expected, arrogance is a bad thing, and only being cautious can make the Wannian ship.

There were no casualties among the barbarians, only one unlucky ghost who jumped at Li Feng had his head cut off, and none of the other attacks caused fatal injuries to the barbarians.

(End of this chapter)

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