The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1119 Tracking and Killing

Chapter 1119 Tracking and Killing (24)
Especially with the passage of time, after the halos on the barbarians disappeared, because the priests were all killed by Nana one by one, and no one replenished the halos on the barbarians, the power of the Blackwood Cliff Knights became more prominent.

The strength of Heimuya fighters is already very strong, and the monster mounts can kill barbarians without halo support in one hit, regardless of melee or magic, and the balance of war soon began to tilt.

The magicians who had escaped just now had returned to the battlefield when they saw the reinforcements coming. However, the magicians could not release large-scale spells at this time, and could only use low-level single-target magic to kill the barbarians.

Although the barbarians didn't have much discipline, they were all extremely fierce. Even though they were clearly at a disadvantage, they still didn't show a trace of cowardice.

Coming and going like the wind is the fighting style of the barbarians. After losing the protection of the halo, the barbarians jumped off the city wall one after another, and their monster mounts were wandering below.

A city wall tens of meters high is not enough to kill a barbarian, but ordinary human warriors do not have this ability, and can only watch as the barbarian mounts his mount and breaks into the city to wreak havoc.

The savages didn't think about running away at all, or even if they wanted to run away, they had to grab enough first.

This is the time for the mages to play. Although large-scale group magic takes a long time, the mages stationed in the fortress are not inexperienced rookies. They all choose magic that is slightly lower than their own level, as long as it is powerful enough to kill Barbarians are fine, and the speed of release is the first priority.

Most of the monsters in the air cavalry group also have group coverage magic. Although the magic of monsters has a lot of limitations, it cannot kill the barbarian with one hit, but at least it can kill the barbarian half to death.

Only the sonic magic of the thirty Golden Winged Tigers can directly shatter all the internal organs of the barbarian. The sonic magic is a group covering magic, and even the power of the aftermath is enough to severely damage the nearby barbarians.

While the raging magic killed a large number of enemies, it also caused huge trauma to the entire city. Fortunately, most of the magicians in Atlantis are water-type magicians. Under the cover of magic, no fire was caused.

The nearby residents have already evacuated, or died under the mace of the barbarians, and the magicians can unscrupulously vent the power of magic.

Magic is indeed the ultimate power of the Titan Continent. Although the battle on the city wall was fierce just now, less than [-] barbarians were actually killed. The casualties of the defenders were at least four to five times that of the barbarians.At this time, under the cover of gorgeous magic, in just a short period of time, at least more than [-] barbarians have fallen.

The group coverage magic of the great magician is indeed extremely sharp. Last time Li Feng was in Sunset City, there were only three high-level magicians, and hundreds of thousands of troops were defeated. Now there are ten great magicians in Storm Fortress. division.

Although the Battle of Sunset City had multiple factors to achieve such a brilliant record, the deterrent power of magic is definitely the most important straw that broke the camel's back.

(End of this chapter)

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