The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1120 Tracking and Killing

Chapter 1120 Tracking and Killing (25)
However, the barbarians' mounts were too fast. In just a short while, a large number of barbarians had spread to every corner of the city. Although the magic was powerful, the coverage area was limited, and the efficiency of killing the enemy was greatly reduced.

Moreover, the magician's range is limited, and it is impossible to cover the entire city. Not every magician has the ability to fly.The Atlantis Empire did not have the habit of equipping magicians with flying mounts. In fact, other major empires did the same.

Because magicians are members of the magic guild first, and secondly they will serve the empire. Magicians can sign contracts with mounts and communicate with each other. There is a chance to get a mount.

More than half of the magicians have been abolished. At this time, the main force to hunt down the barbarians is only the Blackwood Cliff Knights. Fighting Qi, javelins, bows and arrows, the big swords in the hands of the soldiers, and the sharp claws of the monster mounts are all Weapons against barbarians.

Gorgeous magic light, brilliant dou qi slashing, javelins slamming down with strong winds, feathered arrows shooting like raindrops, figures of monsters rising and falling, almost covered the sky of the city.

The ordinary civilians in the city were howling, and the raging barbarians also fell one after another.

The truth that birds die for food is vividly interpreted at this moment. Even when the barbarians are dying, they are reluctant to let go of the things they have grabbed, because they have too many things they have grabbed, and sometimes they can't even let go of their hands. Block the attack from the sky.

Some savages were nailed to the ground by long javelins, and they could not die for a moment. The civilians who were hiding immediately rushed out, holding various weapons in their hands, and greeted the ferocious enemies who slaughtered their compatriots.

The toughness of the people in the Storm Fortress is not blown out. Every civilian has practiced three moves and two moves. Of course, they are not opponents in a frontal confrontation with barbarians, but Taipingquan is more than enough.

The night covered the land, and the sky had completely darkened. The barbarians finally grabbed enough things and were ready to evacuate.There were 20 barbarians who broke into the city, and less than half of them managed to escape under multiple pursuits. However, the damage they brought to Storm Fortress was devastating.

Chapter 330

Everyone in Heimuya didn't continue to chase the barbarians. During the fierce battle just now, they didn't have time to recover their javelins, and their feather arrows were completely consumed. There was only one Xiaohuan Dan left to replenish their fighting spirit, and they didn't have much combat power left.

Just in case, if there is no urgent situation, the last Little Returning Pill will always be used as a backup. Li Feng is very extreme, but he tells his subordinates to stay behind when fighting.

At the end of the battle, all the people in Heimuya could only drive the monster mounts to dive down and fight the barbarians with the big sword in their hands.There were too many beheadings, and the big swords were all curled up, and they were on the verge of being scrapped.

(End of this chapter)

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