The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1165 Chain Reaction

Chapter 1165 Chain Reaction (34)
But it is easy to say, but the actual operation is very difficult. Li Feng couldn't think of any proper way for a while, so he could only write down this idea and study it later.

Now that the bum who occupied the palace has been dealt with, Avril Lavigne of course wants to revisit the old place.

Seeing that Avril was still a little embarrassed, Li Feng couldn't help laughing, hugged Avril's fragrant shoulders, walked towards the palace, and comforted him in a low voice: "Don't blame yourself, it's just right for this chick to leave, and Heimuya is still missing a girl." Hidden danger, anyway, what she took away is nothing more than a drop in the bucket to Heimuya."

Only Li Feng can say this, those priceless treasures are indeed a drop in the bucket to Li Feng.

But having said that, Avril was still a little unhappy, not only because Helen took away Heimuya's things, but also because she felt betrayed by her good friend.

Although Avril Lavigne has a high status in Heimuya, she actually doesn't have many friends. After all, before the arrival of the forest elves, there were only four women in Heimuya including herself. She couldn't find anyone if she wanted to make friends .

Uh, those prostitutes who were tied up by Li Feng to Heimuya to open a brothel are not counted. It is impossible for Avril to mix with them, let alone make any friends.It's not that Avril discriminates against them, but that she is not from the same world at all. Avril doesn't even have the opportunity to contact them-what is she doing in a brothel?
It wasn't until she walked into the palace that Avril's mood finally improved.

After being away for nearly seven years, returning to her childhood home again, Avril Lavigne couldn't let go of other things in her heart, she held Li Feng in one hand, and walked quickly on the alleys of the palace.

The palace was not empty at first, but those people had been kicked out by the Golden Winged Tiger Knight long ago, and the huge palace was a bit embarrassingly quiet.

When passing through a garden, Avril stopped for a while, and said sadly: "When I was young, I liked to play hide-and-seek with my brother here. I remember one time, my naughty brother hid too well, and many people couldn't find him. Frighten the maids who serve him."

Avril pointed to every place in the garden and told Li Feng her fond childhood memories.

Li Feng recalled what Avril Lavigne told about the shocking changes in the palace by the small lake, it seemed that when the Grand Duchess was insulted, Avril Lavigne’s younger brother was also playing hide-and-seek with his mother. able to know the truth.

I don't know if Avril also thought of this, her mood suddenly became depressed, and she forced a smile after a while, saying: "Do you want to see my childhood boudoir? Come with me."

Avril Lavigne's boudoir looked like it had been a long time since no one had come in, there were broken cobwebs hanging in the air, and even a thick layer of dust fell on the mattress.

Avril stood at the door and looked at it for a while, then sighed, and said, "Master, please wait first, I'll clean up the room."

Li Feng winked and said with a smile: "Will the princess also clean up the room?"

(End of this chapter)

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