The best bandit in another world

Chapter 1166 Chain Reaction

Chapter 1166 Chain Reaction (35)
Avril suddenly became a little embarrassed. When she was a princess, although she was very approachable, she had never done such a job as tidying up the room. Afterwards, when she arrived at Heimuya, how could there be anything to clean up the simple house?
Even after being together with Li Feng later, Nana, who is diligent in hands and feet, tidies up the room.

Li Feng rolled up his sleeves, laughed and said, "Let me do it, you just wait."

Then Avril's eyes widened, watching Li Feng clean up quickly.

Li Feng was an orphan before, so it was certainly not the first time he had done this kind of work, and he was very skilled in the business.And now that he has magic help, it's very convenient to clean up.From time to time, a small tornado blows away a lot of dust, or a large water balloon washes the table and the floor spotlessly.

Avril's eyes were a little straight. She never thought that the wise and powerful master in her heart rolled up his sleeves to tidy up the house, and he actually looked like a housewife, which really surprised Avril.

The big masters have already started, of course Avril can't just stand around all the time, if not, she will roll up her sleeves and step forward to help.

Looking at the busy figure of the head, Avril's heart was filled with sweetness.She has never heard of a powerful man who is willing to put down his figure and help the woman he loves clean up the room - this should be done by a humble servant, which strong man would do such a shameful thing ?

Li Feng didn't feel anything, just tidy up the room, it's not like he hasn't done it before.

With the efforts of the two, the room gradually revealed its true colors.

Of course, the little girl's room was decorated cutely, but after years of erosion, all the cute decorations were engraved with traces of time, and it was impossible to restore the old look.

Only those faded and rotten toys can let Li Feng imagine the cheerful laughter that Avril Lavigne left behind here.

"Huh?" Avril suddenly let out an exclamation.

Li Feng was slightly startled, and in a flash, he had already come to Avril's side.

Avril Lavigne held a dusty wooden sword in her hand, her face was full of surprise.

"What's wrong?" Li Feng pressed Avril's shoulder and asked softly.

"Why is this wooden sword here?" Avril rubbed her finger on the wooden sword, and the thick dust fell down immediately, "This is a gift I gave to my brother back then, why did it appear in my room ?”

Li Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Perhaps the person who later occupied the palace made a mistake, maybe they put this wooden sword here by mistake? I don't know who is so bored to play with children's toys?"

"No...but...can..." Avril's pretty eyebrows were about to kink, and she refuted Li Feng's guess word by word, "When my younger brother was taken away from the other shore city, he held this A wooden sword, he said at the time that he was also a man and wanted to fight like a man, this wooden sword was his weapon, but why did it appear in my room?"

(End of this chapter)

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